
IEEE-USA seeks to sponsor, co-sponsor or technically co-sponsor conferences, workshops and similar meetings that address specific areas of technology when the conference will advance the mission and purposes of IEEE-USA. Examples include, but are not limited to, conferences that:

  • provide a venue for engaging public officials and opinion-leaders on
  • technology policy-related issues
  • include a public policy or societal implications component in the call for papers and/or in the program
  • serve to advance technologies deemed important to U.S. economic
  • competitiveness and/or security, especially new and emerging technologies
  • provide an opportunity to raise awareness and engage IEEE’s technical communities with the public policy and societal implications of their technologies or discipline, and/or
  • include a workforce-related or employment assistance component of prospective benefit to IEEE members

We are especially interested in sponsoring events by IEEE units in the United States that intend to have venues outside of a single region, or those whose attendees and presenters come from multiple U.S. regions.

Committee Chairs

Chad Kidder
Chair, IEEE-USA Conferences Committee