Eduardo “Ed” F. Palacio – 2023 President, IEEE-USA

Ed Palacio has 40 years of experience in directing development and production of complex military electronic systems. He has held Profit and Loss responsibility at the Business Unit and Sector levels, as well as functional lead positions in Program Management, Engineering and Operations. Currently he is President of P&L Technical Management Solutions, a Small Business focused on technology, program, and business development for the military and civilian market. He currently serves in various Executive Boards for the IEEE, Industry and Academia. He currently teaches at Stony Brook University’s Department of Technology and Society. Ed holds a B.E.E from the Cooper Union School of Engineering and Science and two M.S. degrees in Electrical Engineering and Technology Management from the Polytechnic Institute of New York. He serves on the IEEE Board of Directors as the Region 1 Director for 2020-2021.


IEEE Accomplishments & Activities


  • IEEE Board of Directors – Director ‘20-‘21
  • IEEE-USA Board of Directors – Director ‘20-‘21
  • Center for Leadership Excellence ’15
  • Nominations and Appointments Committee ’08-’10
  • Tellers Committee: Chair ’01 and ’02, Member ’96-’00

Member and Geographic Activities Board/Regional Activities Board:

  • MGA Board of Directors – Director ’20-‘21
  • Chair: Member Development/Member Engagement and Life Cycle ‘16/’17
  • Chair: Strategic Direction and Environmental Assessment ‘08/’09
  • Member Benefits and Portfolio Advisory ‘14/’15
  • Chair: RAB/TAB Sections/Chapters Support ‘06/’07
  • Chair: Student Activities ‘04/’05


  • R1 Director ’20-’21
  • R1 Student Activities Coordinator ’00-‘03
  • R1 Council Chair ‘95
  • METSAC: Chair ’94, Treasurer ‘95


  • Long Island Section: Chair ’93-’95, Vice-Chair ’91-‘93

IEEE Volunteer Accomplishments

2020 was a significant challenge for all Regions, as Regional Director I lead a team that quickly adapted to the virtual environment and delivered significant member benefits in the form of training sessions, talks and conferences. We cooperated with Industry and Academia in these programs, and reached a wide audience to include other Regions. As an MGA Director I have led discussions associated with the IEEE Regional restructure. As IEEE-USA Director I have pushed for establishing a sustainable model to allow IEEE-USA to succeed and grow.

As MELCC Chair, MELCC was able to instill processes that moved SAC, YP and WIE towards a data driven process that linked program and initiatives to direct member satisfaction gaps and needs. The 2008/09 Strategic Direction Committee established a Balanced Scorecard process that moved MGA Strategy to MGA programs and initiatives by using “I, as a member of the IEEE…” to express our envisioned future and drive our actions. The 2004/05 Student Activities committee established the IEEEXtreme 24-hour Programming competition, now an extremely successful Institute wide event. Lastly, during my term on the ELECTRO BoD, we brought to a close a show that was neither member focused nor financially viable.