Christopher Sanderson


IEEE-USA Livestream Tutorial / Q&A

Picking up where Who Moved My Cheese? left off, Out of the Maze is a simple story that offers profound truths about how to transform your work or life by challenging your beliefs.

When we first met them in Who Moved My Cheese?; two mouse-sized characters named HEM and HAW were faced with unexpected change when the Cheese they loved suddenly disappeared. HAW learned to deal with that change successfully by setting off in search of New Cheese. But HEM remained stuck where he was.

Now, Out of the Maze reveals what HEM did next, and how his discoveries can help you unlock the riddle of whatever maze you may face yourself.

These insights can last for a lifetime, so enjoy your Cheese.  Out of the Maze transforms you by challenging your beliefs.

About the Presenter

Christopher Sanderson

Christopher Sanderson is a Transformational Leader and Coach, he’s a Servant Leader with a passion for Organizational Effectiveness and Mentorship. He is well known for his creative approach strategies and motivational teamwork approach.

SERVICE can be defined: as the action of helping or doing work for others. Family, Community, Business, and Country are the soul of Christopher, many of his peers would categorize it as Servant Leadership. If you look closer to all of the accomplishments the emphasis has always been SERVICE. He is a Military brat and veteran who grew up in Killeen, TX understanding nothing but service to GOD, Country, Family, and Community at an early age. Those same traditions have continued to serve him well throughout his life. Much more will be written about his service, but you will not need to look very far in his investment into the next generation of Young Professionals that will have their own impacts on families, communities, and technology.


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