Author: Jeff Knurek | Download FREE audiobook A new duo of superheroes is in town, ready to do battle with the Forces of Evil — as IEEE-USA introduces its first comic book with electrical engineering superheroes.
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Author: Harry T. Roman | Download FREE audiobook Leadership is the strategic force that provides team members with turbocharge for a productive and exciting mission—the “catalyst” around which team members rally and contribute.
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Author: Harry T. Roman | Download FREE audiobook This book why publishing and speaking about your work is so important to your career. Member: FREE Non-Member: $3.99
Author: Peggy Hutcheson | Download FREE audiobook At some point (usually multiple points) in our careers, everyone needs guidance, advice, new skills, or re-directing. That is, we need a mentor. Member: FREE Non-Member: $3.99
Author: Harry T. Roman | Download FREE audiobook Pitching is a special kind of public speaking. It requires bravery to stand in front of powerful people and propose something new. Pitching is about stripping down your idea to its barest essentials; and then selling it with conviction, passion and commitment. Author and educator Harry T. Roman wrote this short volume to provide readers some perspective and valuable insights into giving an effective “pitch.” Member: FREE Non-Member: $4.99
Author Karen Pedersen approached writing this e-book as if she were talking to a young friend who is interested in becoming an engineer, or already studying engineering. In these pages, she offers the focal points of her career, and the lessons she has learned during her journey. Many of these lessons discuss how Pedersen handled difficult situations. She recognizes that some would have handled them differently. At the same time, Pedersen’s wish is that some of the thorny situations she ran into would have long disappeared from today’s workplace; however, she unhappily acknowledges that they do still exist. “We are all humans. We can change laws, but we cannot change how people think.” As you read Pedersen’s story, she hopes that you will take what helps you--and leave the other lessons for the next person who will read this book. Member: FREE Non-Member: $9.99
IEEE-USA has conducted surveys of the compensation of IEEE's U.S. members since 1972. The findings in this report represent only those participants who were identified as self-employed consultants. This report provides the profile of typical, self-employed and independent technical consultants, including their education, experience, business practices, median earnings and hourly fee. The fee data this report provides will help you set an hourly rate that is competitive with your peers. Member: $29.95 Non-Member: $49.95
Author: Sridhar Ramanathan | Download FREE audiobook build on the analytical skills in Book 1 of the Critical Thinking Skills for Engineers E-Book Series — this e-book (Book 2) moves into the context of a team, department, or larger organization — where communication skills will play a vital role in your career success as an engineer.
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Author: Harry T. Roman | Download FREE audiobook Too often, we IEEE members, especially younger engineers, spend so much time honing technical skills—that we can miss the digital economy’s important message: The future belongs to the fleet of mind and market. Member: FREE Non-Member: $4.99
Author: Sridhar Ramanathan | Download FREE audiobook In this first book in our series on critical thinking skills, we delve into analytical skills—the ability to examine something carefully—whether it is a problem, a set of data, or text.
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Author: Paul Kostek | Download FREE audiobook The “one-on-one” is supposed to help develop and increase communication, as well as promote feedback, between managers and employees. Are you getting anything out of them? Member: FREE Non-Member: $4.99
Author Alice F. Squires believes the desire to make a difference in the world follows us wherever we are. Her vision: “To be successful working together as a team of equals.” We are collaboratively working on products that will have an impact on the world, and will improve the lives of others. From working engineer--to educating the next generation of engineers in the classroom--she strives to inspire engineers, managers, technical leaders and others to work together to make the world a better place. Squires says her e-book has three purposes: First, to inspire young women and men to pursue their passion--whether in engineering, science, technology, mathematics, or another area. Second, to provide a glimpse into the life of a woman in engineering--the wonderful experience of contributing to society combined with the impact of choices--both good and bad; and the role of personal choice to change the situation, or accept the outcome. And third, to raise awareness of women's experiences in engineering toward a shared vision of gender parity--in a community whose members achieve and contribute to their full potential. Member: FREE Non-Member: $9.99
Author: Harry T. Roman | Download FREE audiobook Good executive leaders and managers should foster, cultivate, promote and mentor creativity within their companies.
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Author: Harry T. Roman | Download FREE audiobook STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) is all about combining content and process to solve problems and create new products and services — a fundamental necessity for economic growth.
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Author: Harry T. Roman | Download FREE audiobook After a three-year assignment on his alma mater’s engineering school advisory board, it became evident to author and educator Harry T. Roman that soon-to-be-graduating engineering students needed to be more aware of the world that awaits them. Engineering is so much more than simply mastering technical materials. Member: FREE Non-Member: $4.99
Born and raised until the age of three in a small village in Croatia, Dalma Novak and her family then immigrated to Brisbane Australia, I 1970. In her sophomore year of high school, Novak made an adamant and determined decision to study Electrical Engineering at The University of Queensland. She eventually began her career in the United States in California at UCLA, and then at the Naval Research Laboratory in Washington, D.C. An active IEEE volunteer for more than 25 years, Novak launched the Women in Photonics initiative in 2014. Member: FREE Non-Member: $9.99
Author: Harry T. Roman | Download FREE audiobook Public speaking is the key to all other leadership skills—indispensable to those who aspire to the senior management positions in their companies. Member: FREE Non-Member: $4.99
Author Michelle Nanney’s career path has never been a straight line—it has had a lot of zigs and zags. However, it has always provided her with a series of opportunities for different positions in a variety of industries. Following different paths from Point A to Point B has allowed her to apply skills from one industry—to learn fresh new perspectives in another. The bumps, bruises and experiences each unfold their own lessons. Nanney is an IEEE Senior Member. She holds a B.S. in Bioengineering from Texas A&M University, as well as an MBA and an M.S. in Strategic Management at Kelly School of Business at Indiana University. Member: FREE Non-Member: $4.99
IEEE-USA has conducted surveys of the compensation of IEEE's U.S. members since 1972. The findings in this report represent only those participants who were identified as self-employed consultants. This report provides the profile of typical, self-employed and independent technical consultants, including their education, experience, business practices, median earnings and hourly fee. The fee data this report provides will help you set an hourly rate that is competitive with your peers. Member: $29.95 Non-Member: $49.95
Author: Harry T. Roman | Download FREE audiobook Continue on the author Harry T. Roman’s journey, as he recounts the life lessons he learned, from childhood to adult, working with his Father in their basement workshop.
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Author: Harry T. Roman | Download FREE audiobook It is amazing what you can learn apprenticed to someone who knows how to teach and mentor. Harry T. Roman’s father loved to solve problems, and invent things on the spot. Roman has gathered the vignettes in Volume 1 over 40+ years. He demonstrates how they are very relevant to modern day engineering.
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Follow the fascinating journey from the author’s childhood in Tehran, Iran to the United States in 1976, to begin her engineering education at Southern Illinois University (SIU). Upon graduation with a BSEE, then an MSEE from SIU, Hadjizadeh proceeded directly on to Silicon Valley, and jobs at GENUS Inc., PRIAM Corporation, Network Computing Devices, Tesla Motors, and then Cisco. Member: FREE Non-Member: $9.99
Author: Harry T. Roman | Download FREE audiobook In this second volume on Rewarding Your Employees, author Harry T. Roman discussed and describes additional techniques he has seen and used for rewarding key people.
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Author Orin Laney dedicates this new, updated, online version of his original book to entrepreneurs and innovators who use their ideas to start new companies, or entirely new industries. The purpose of this guide is to familiarize readers with personal intellectual property rights, and the associated issues that arise during employment—especially addressing the intellectual property rights of employed individuals. Member: FREE Non-Member: $4.99