IEEE-USA has conducted its annual salary survey of U.S. IEEE members since 1972. This special industry report summarizes salary data for IEEE members whose primary area of technical competence is in circuits & devices. Based on salary data collected for the IEEE-USA Salary and Benefits Survey Report – 2014 Edition.
IEEE-USA has conducted its annual salary survey of U.S. IEEE members since 1972. This special industry report summarizes salary data for IEEE members whose primary area of technical competence is in telecommunications technology. Based on salary data collected for the IEEE-USA Salary and Benefits Survey Report – 2014 Edition. Member: FREE Non-Member: $20.00
Every company likes to have well-rounded folks working for them, people who are vital elements of their communities-walking billboards for your company's reach and concern in the community. Companies take pride in employees involved in many different aspects of community, and also encourage involvement in local community projects and activities. Such activities are another rich source of information for your living resume. Get involved in the various activities that bring you into contact with the greater world outside your company. Give back to your community, and it will come back to you with great reward, when you least expect it. Member: $0.00 Non-Member: $9.99
The 2014 IEEE-USA Salary & Benefits Survey is the 27th compensation study IEEE-USA has published. The aim of the project is to provide timely information on current and long-term trends related to the income, salary and benefits of U.S. IEEE members. This information is critical for accurate understanding of compensation practices in this profession, including how those practices impact individual engineers. Member: FREE Non-Member: $50.00
Volume 2 of this trilogy emphasizes realizing the power your writing, awards and honors. Author Harry Roman advises documenting them in your living resume - not sweeping that powerful information into a corner. Further, he explains that such documentation should be carefully itemized and detailed. After all, companies like to see what characterizes the professional side of the engineers they will hire. Member: $0.00 Non-Member: $9.99
All findings in this report represent only those who were identified as self-employed consultants; individuals who indicated that 50% or more of their consulting hours came from working independently, with partners, or incorporated (herein referred to as consultants). Member: $19.95 Non-Member: $39.95
Welcome to Volume 1 of a three-part story, a trilogy, The Living Resume- a continually evolving story that documents your growth as a professional. The tone within is conversational, shaped by 36 years of business experience, designed to make you think carefully about what you have done in your career; and exploring how you will set it down in a logical and powerful manner. Someday, you may need a compendium of your career to help you keep your job, or perhaps secure a new one. Volume 1 discusses how to go about documenting your career accomplishments. Member: $0.00 Non-Member: $9.99
Author: Jaquelyn Nagel | Download FREE audiobook Author Jacquelyn Nagel brings us her engineering career journey, from pre-college years to present day.
E-Book (PDF)
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This paper, developed by IEEE-USA's Committee on Communications Policy (CCP), addresses government policies that can influence commercial practices to weaken security in products and services sold on the commercial market. Member: $0.00 Non-Member: $5.99
Author Sherry Gillespie, is currently a technology management consultant in Washington, D.C. A past IEEE-USA Congressional Fellow, Gillespie shares her career journey: stints as a high school physics teacher; extraordinary opportunities to lead cross-organizational, as well as international, technology programs; and five years serving on the Board of Directors of a major industry consortium. An active IEEE/IEEE-USA volunteer, Gillespie also shares her career challenges, and the lessons she learned along the way. Member: FREE Non-Member: $9.99
Author Harry Roman wrote this book to help other engineers discover the joy and professional skill-building experiences of working with teachers and students in the classroom. He provides useful presentations, demonstrations and team-based competitions to stimulate interest in and excitement about the engineering profession. Member: $0.00 Non-Member: $9.99
Book 2 in the IEEE-USA WIE series is the thought-provoking and inspiring story of Maria Vlachopoulou who overcame great obstacles and challenges to pursue her engineering career. A data analyst/program manager with Microsoft Corporation in Redmond, Washington, Vlachopoulou was honored as the 2013 IEEE/IEEE-USA New Face of Engineering for her contributions to Smart Grid research, while employed by Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL) in Richland, Washington, Vlachopoulou has two M.S. degrees: in Electrical and Computer Engineering, and in Industrial Engineering, from Purdue University, West Lafayette, Ind.; and a Bachelor of Electronic and Electrical Engineering from the University of Sheffield, Sheffield, United Kingdom. Member: FREE Non-Member: $9.99
This e-book series has two purposes: to present a high-level overview about women in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) fields, and to provide the first-hand accounts of the professional journeys of some notable contemporary female engineers. When reading Book 1 (Vol. 1), readers should note that data representing a global perspective on the issue of women in STEM fields is included, wherever available. Employment, education and statistical data are most readily available and detailed for the United States, so many of the statistics and trends identified pertain strictly to the United States. This volume is not meant to be a comprehensive study. The topic of women in the workforce--particularly the STEM workforce--is complex, varied, and perhaps best appreciated when studied from multiple vantage points. Member: FREE Non-Member: $9.99
The 2014 USA Employment Survey was conducted to develop a better understanding of the dilemma of unemployment among IEEE's U.S. members, by conducting a survey of engineers who were unemployed at some point during the 2013 IEEE membership year. We surveyed U.S. IEEE members who reported being unemployed during 2013, using a self-administered, online questionnaire. The results were consistent with previous years' more than half of those surveyed had not been re-employed. Member: $7.99 Non-Member: $9.99
This final book of the series presents a detailed roadmap to successfully launching your company and product. From setting realistic goals for the launch, determining the key messages, and preparing the sales team - to briefing the press and analysts, finding the right venue, and enlisting the help of early customers. Book 5 takes you through all the necessary steps to a successful launch. Member: $0.00 Non-Member: $9.00
The progression of time and your career have two very tightly coupled attributes: they are both continuous, and ever changing. Since they are so intertwined, you may as well do whatever possible to grow your career before time and change radically alters your perspective of what a career is, or could be. Change is inevitable, so be sure to have some fun along the way. Member: $0.00 Non-Member: $9.00
IEEE-USA has conducted surveys of the compensation of IEEE's U.S. members since 1972. Separate surveys focusing on the compensation of consultants were implemented in 2002, and with the exception of 2003, have been conducted annually, ever since. Using the IEEE membership database, 14,098 IEEE members identified as consultants were emailed an invitation to complete the 2013 Consultants Fee Survey, in the spring of 2013; 1,355 respondents participated in the survey (response rate = 9.6%). All findings in this report represent only those who were identified as self-employed consultants; defined as the 848 individuals who indicated that 50% or more of their consulting hours came from working independently, with partners, or incorporated (from herein referred to as consultants). Member: $19.95
The current condition of the US electric grid is inadequate and requires updates to be able to handle a changing landscape of energy generation and use. Efforts to shift to a smart grid have led to the collection of immense amounts of data. Currently, this data is not being used as effectively as it could be. Grid management is based on powerful computer models that use past behavior to predict current conditions on the grid. The ultimate goal of the smart grid is to have real-time data collection and analytic capabilities. In this e-book, author Alexandra Nilles concludes that industry-developed standards, combined with public guidance and funding for sensitive issues such as privacy and cybersecurity, are the best tools to use as the smart grid develops.
This eBook series provides an overview of the basics of starting a startup -- quickly building an initial business plan, understanding and communicating the value proposition, creating an effective elevator pitch, positioning the product and company, and speaking to potential investors and customers in a way that maximizes the chances of success. Book 4: Pricing Strategies, tackles one of the most difficult tasks for an entrepreneur -- pricing your product appropriately. Determine which time-tested pricing approach is best for you, how to validate pricing, and how to develop a long-term strategy. Member: $0.00 Non-Member: $9.99
The 2013 IEEE-USA Salary & Benefits Survey is the 26th compensation study IEEE-USA has published. The aim of the project is to provide timely information on current and long-term trends related to the income, salary and benefits of IEEE members in the United States. This information is critical for accurate understanding of compensation practices in this profession, including how those practices impact individual engineers. Members: FREE Non-Members: $35.00
In his review of career management, author Dr. Siri Varadan presents a useful and imaginative insight into how young engineers can begin to address career aspirations. Using his own career as a metaphor, he explores how career advancement is a function of opportunity, meeting preparation and readiness. In this context, he is able to illustrate how taking certain proactive steps, selecting a mentor, staying connected with industry events and colleagues, continuing to pursue personal development opportunities, can intersect with, and even create, key opportunities to pursue career advancement. By following his career as it unfolded to date, he is also able to incorporate aspects of career that may not be evident to young engineers beginning in the workforce. For example, Varadan examines the unique challenges created by family obligations relative to career, how do you balance both to be successful with both aspects of life'personal and professional? In doing so, Dr. Varadan has personalized learning to help illustrate the nuances of decision-making in the context of optionality. Member: FREE Non-Member: $9.99
At some point in their careers, engineers may discover what is known as the 'dual ladder' in the corporate structure, the choices being to continue in the technical project aspects of their career, or the opportunity of moving into the management side of their careers. In many corporations, once the choice is made, there is no re-direct; it is either technical or management from that point forward. There are, however, those corporations which provide a true dual ladder structure. In those instances, the person involved can move back and forth, from technical to manage-ment and back again, depending on the needs of the individual or corp-oration. While the choice may seem easy, there are a number of aspects of each path that one should consider, prior to making a decision on any given opportunity. The two authors of this e-book chose the Dual Career Ladder path during their long-term careers at IBM. Member: FREE Non-Member: $9.99
Salary data for IEEE members whose primary area of technical competence is in computers. Based on 2012 salary data.Member: FREE Non-Member: $20.00
Salary data for IEEE members whose primary area of technical competence is in energy & power. Based on 2012 salary data. Member: FREE Non-Member: $20.00