
  • IEEE-USA has conducted its annual salary survey of U.S. IEEE members since 1972. This special industry report summarizes salary data for IEEE members who are age 29 or younger. Based on salary data collected for the IEEE-USA Salary and Benefits Survey Report – 2017 Edition. Member: FREE Non-Member: $20.00
  • IEEE-USA has conducted its annual salary survey of U.S. IEEE members since 1972. This special industry report summarizes salary data for IEEE members whose primary area of technical competence is in communications technology. Based on salary data collected for the IEEE-USA Salary and Benefits Survey Report – 2017 Edition.   Member: FREE Non-Member: $20.00
  • IEEE-USA has conducted its annual salary survey of U.S. IEEE members since 1972. This special industry report summarizes salary data for IEEE members whose primary area of technical competence is in systems & control. Based on salary data collected for the IEEE-USA Salary and Benefits Survey Report – 2017 Edition. Member: FREE Non-Member: $20.00
  • IEEE-USA has conducted its annual salary survey of U.S. IEEE members since 1972. This special industry report summarizes salary data for IEEE members whose primary area of technical competence is in power & energy. Based on salary data collected for the IEEE-USA Salary and Benefits Survey Report – 2017 Edition. Member: FREE Non-Member: $20.00
  • IEEE-USA has conducted its annual salary survey of U.S. IEEE members since 1972. This special industry report summarizes salary data for IEEE members whose primary area of technical competence is in computers. Based on salary data collected for the IEEE-USA Salary and Benefits Survey Report – 2017 Edition. Member: FREE Non-Member: $20.00
  • IEEE-USA has conducted its annual salary survey of U.S. IEEE members since 1972. This special industry report summarizes salary data for female IEEE members. Based on salary data collected for the IEEE-USA Salary and Benefits Survey Report – 2017 Edition. Member: FREE Non-Member: $20.00
  • Author: Harry T. Roman  |  Download FREE audiobook In the third and final volume this trilogy, author Harry T. Roman advances his view that the Thomas Edison contributed much of the groundwork for many 21st century technological realities.

    E-Book (PDF)

    Member: FREE Non-Member: $4.99
  • The 2018 IEEE-USA Annual Report highlights IEEE-USA’s products, programs, services and activities during the year 2018, under the volunteer leadership of 2018 IEEE-USA President Sandra "Candy" Robinson. Member: FREE Non-Member: FREE
  • Author: Harry T. Roman  |  Download FREE audiobook In Volume 2 of the series--Lifetime Partnerships--Roman postulates that not only Edison’s fellow inventors and technicians in the lab; but also his mother and his second wife were fundamental to Edison’s creative growth and business success.

    E-Book (PDF)

    Member: FREE Non-Member: $4.99
  • The 2017 IEEE-USA Employment Survey was conducted to gain a better understanding of the problem of unemployment among U.S. IEEE members. More than 2,000 U.S. IEEE members who reported being unemployed during 2016 were surveyed, using a self-administered, online questionnaire. Member: $7.99 Non-Member: $9.99
  • Author: Harry Roman  |  Download FREE audiobook In Volume 1 of this series on Thomas Edison, the chapters reflect what strikes the author as interesting; and what folks have asked him about, or commented upon, when they hear his weekend lectures.

    E-Book (PDF)

    Member: FREE Non-Member: $4.99
  • The 2017 IEEE-USA Salary & Benefits Survey is the 30thcompensation study IEEE-USA has published. This report provides timely information on current and long-term trends related to the income, salary and benefits of U.S. IEEE members. This information is critical for an accurate understanding of compensation practices in the profession, including how those practices impact individual technology professionals. Member: FREE Non-Member: $50.00
  • IEEE-USA has conducted surveys of the compensation of IEEE's U.S. members since 1972. The findings in this report represent only those participants who were identified as self-employed consultants. This report provides the profile of typical, self-employed and independent technical consultants, including their education, experience, business practices, median earnings and hourly fee. The fee data this report provides will help you set an hourly rate that is competitive with your peers. Member: $29.95 Non-Member: $49.95
  • Author: Sonali Ranaweera; Illustrations by Jeewika Ranaweera Download FREE audiobook In 34 colorful, imaginative pages, Abigail and The Fish Tree, by Sonali Ranaweera, relates the story of a young girl who uses her curiosity and creativity to produce a gardening wonder in her family’s backyard.

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    Member: FREE Non-Member: $4.99
  • Nathalie Gosset's 30-year career as an engineer has centered on emerging technologies, and her achievements built her reputation as a highly respected technology innovator. Most recently, she was Senior Director of Marketing and Technology Innovation at the Alfred E. Mann Institute for Biomedical Engineering at the University of Southern California, for the past 12 years. She has also won several IEEE and IEEE-USA Awards for her volunteer efforts with the organization. How Gosset developed her impressive career, as well as her encounter with workplace sexual harassment, is the subject of the newest volume in the award-winning IEEE Women in Engineering (WIE) e-book series. Vignettes of Discovery and Growth: The Journey of a 21st Century Female Engineer, by Nathalie Gosset, is the 16th work in the series. Member: FREE Non-Member: $9.99
  • Author: John Collins  |  Download FREE audiobook IEEE Member and author John Collins has written an e-book that deserves to be in the hands of not only engineering students, but also the many working professionals who are seeking to advance their careers.

    E-Book (PDF)

    Member: FREE Non-Member: $4.99
  • Author: Jonathan Chew and Leo Szeto  |  Download FREE audiobook IEEE Members Jonathan Chew and Leo Szeto offer readers Part 2 of their e-book series that provides individuals working in any discipline with valuable insights on how to lead and implement change.

    E-Book (PDF)

    Member: FREE Non-Member: $4.99
  • From growing up in Lebanon, with summers in the mountains of Beirut; to New Haven, Connecticut, and jobs at Yale University, Bayer Pharmaceuticals and Citibank -- Rowena Track details her very different and inspiring career journey. Member: FREE Non-Member: $9.99
  • Author: Jonathan Chew and Leo Szeto  |  Download FREE audiobook In this two-part book series, you’ll find a handy dandy guide that will give you the secrets to being a world-changer.

    E-Book (PDF)

    Member: FREE Non-Member: $4.99
  • When Monique Morrow was studying in the late 1970s for her undergraduate degree at San Jose State University, she wanted to be a career diplomat. Today, long after she graduated, people who have worked with this internationally known and respected technology innovator agree that her diplomacy talents have set her apart. Becoming an Engineer -- Accidentally is a remarkable journey of transferring one’s core skills to a successful career. Diplomacy is critical in setting technology policy -- which is a key component of what this warm and affable senior executive now does. Monique Morrow is currently Chief Technology Officer -- Evangelist for Cisco Systems’ New Frontiers Development and Engineering. Member: FREE Non-Member: $9.99
  • Author: Harry T. Roman  |  Download FREE audiobook To help put you on the right path, this book covers practical and successful strategies you can take in the very early stages of the career transitioning process. Member: FREE Non-Member: $4.99
  • There's a point in life where the scale tips--from wondering where your career and personal life is heading--to having a purpose and a plan. Engineering has been a big part of author Susan Delafuente's story. However, it's the people in her life who shaped her--and made all the difference. Member: FREE Non-Member: $9.99
  • Through 15 February, IEEE members can download a free copy of this eBook by adding it to your cart and using promo codeJANFREE18 at checkout. Project management skills are highly prized in any organization. Engineers who can develop new plans for critical corporation products, services, internal process improvements and special needs technologies; and then coalesce, manage and lead others to make these things happen, are never going to fear unemployment. And they are going to have a great time working on interesting, innovative, and sometimes groundbreaking, projects. Project management is probably the most important function young engineers can learn, along with an ability to articulate the value of what they, and their teams, are doing. Member: FREE Non-Member: $3.99
  • IEEE-USA has conducted compensation surveys of U.S. IEEE members since 1972. This special industry report summarizes salary data for IEEE members who are age 29 and younger. Based on salary data collected for the IEEE-USA Salary and Benefits Survey Report - 2016 Edition. Member: FREE Non-Member: $29.95
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