2020 IEEE-USA Annual Report

2020 IEEE-USA Annual Report

The 2020 IEEE-USA Annual Report highlights IEEE-USA’s products, programs, services and activities during the year 2020, under the volunteer leadership of 2020 IEEE-USA President James Conrad.

Member: FREE
Non-Member: FREE


Author: IEEE-USA Staff

The COVID-19 pandemic struck home in 2020, forcing us to cancel many of our planned events, and pivot our efforts to serve the members, by creating an all-virtual mode of working. Under the leadership of 2020 IEEE-USA President James Conrad, IEEE-USA managed to do so with significant success, including elevated levels of volunteer and member engagement, and substantial increases in members utilizing IEEE-USA’s member resources. Specific highlights of IEEE-USA volunteer and staff efforts appear in the balance of this 2020 IEEE-USA Annual Report.

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