Diver Does Its Thing

Diver Does Its Thing

Author: Harry T. Roman

Jenn and her robots are back in Diver Does Its Thing. From her array of robots, Jenn calls on Diver — with its magnetic wheels, powerful clenching arm, ultrasonic probe, and batch of sensors — to help unclog an intake pipe of a storage tank at a water treatment plant.

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Jenn and her robots are back in Diver Does Its Thing. From her array of robots, Jenn calls on Diver — with its magnetic wheels, powerful clenching arm, ultrasonic probe, and batch of sensors — to help unclog an intake pipe of a storage tank at a water treatment plant.

Harry T. Roman, the author of Diver Does Its Thing and the entire digital comic robot series, concentrates on stories based on real-world use of robots today. This e-book is his sixth e-comic in the series. Roman was an innovator in using robots to solve engineering problems in the utility industry, including co-inventing a robot used to inspect large fuel oil storage tanks, and another robot used in nuclear power plants.

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