Engineering Coloring Book for Adults

Engineering Coloring Book for Adults

Coloring books are no longer just for kids. In fact, adult coloring books have become a full-on trend, with tens of millions sold in recent years as people discover that the process of choosing and then adding colors to an image helps to lower stress levels, create focus and offer an outlet for personal expression. Now, IEEE-USA has published an engineering coloring e-book for adults, created especially for IEEE members. IEEE-USA E-BOOKS’ Engineering Coloring Book for Adults is a stimulating, yet mentally relaxing, collection of 25 full-page designs. Patterns and illustrations of engineering icons inspired the designs, which any technical professional will quickly recognize. Award-winning game designer Jeff Knurek, who illustrates the widely syndicated Jumble puzzle, created the designs.  Currently, more than 70 million people a day, in more than 600 newspapers, in the United States and internationally, see the Jumble puzzle.


Member: FREE
Non-Member: $4.99

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Author: Jeff Knurek


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