Interoperability: A Review of Activities to Ensure the Reliability of the U.S. Electric Power Grid

Interoperability: A Review of Activities to Ensure the Reliability of the U.S. Electric Power Grid

Following the June 2006 IEEE-sponsored Special Session on Integration and Interoperability of National Security Information Systems, in Cambridge, MA, a number of discussions have been had regarding interoperability and its role in protecting, strengthening and enhancing U.S. critical infrastructures. A decision was made to author a series of monographs that will attempt to address the effects of deep-rooted un-interoperability on particular infrastructures. In Interoperability & Critical Infrastructure Protection: A Review of Activities to Ensure the Reliability of the U.S. Electric Power Grid, authors Luis Kun of the National Defense University and Robert Mathews of the University of Hawaii examine and present the impacts of lack of interoperability on the reliability of the U.S. electric power grid.

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Author: Kun, L.; Matthews, R.

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