Thomas Edison – Man of the Millennium – Volume 2: Lifetime Partnerships

Thomas Edison – Man of the Millennium – Volume 2: Lifetime Partnerships


Author: Harry T. Roman  |  Download FREE audiobook

In Volume 2 of the series–Lifetime Partnerships–Roman postulates that not only Edison’s fellow inventors and technicians in the lab; but also his mother and his second wife were fundamental to Edison’s creative growth and business success.

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Thomas Edison – Man of the Millennium – Volume 2: Lifetime PartnershipsWhat most influences the commercial success of a creative genius? If that genius happens to be Thomas Edison, you can sum up the answer in one word: partnerships.  According to Harry T. Roman, author of the e-book series Thomas Edison: Man of the Millennium, Edison’s relationships with others both influenced and invigorated the great inventor. In Volume 2 of the series–Lifetime Partnerships–Roman postulates that not only Edison’s fellow inventors and technicians in the lab; but also his mother and his second wife were fundamental to Edison’s creative growth and business success.

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