Contributing to the IEEE-USA Government Fellowship Fund

The total cost of placing an IEEE-USA Government Fellow as an advisor to key decision-makers in Washington, including recruitment, orientation, relocation expenses, and the Fellowship stipend, averages $100,000 a Fellow per year. This cost is a major factor in determining the number of Fellows that IEEE-USA can place, thus limiting our ability to provide this unique educational experience to our members, as well as advice and assistance to policy-makers on the issues that affect the engineering profession and our nation’s technological competitiveness.

IEEE-USA’s Congressional and Executive Fellowship programs are supported primarily through a special assessment paid by U.S. members to support IEEE-USA programs. IEEE-USA maintains a Government Fellows Fund that serves as both an operational fund and endowment for IEEE-USA’s Government Fellowship programs. It is administered by the IEEE-USA Government Fellows Committee.

IEEE U.S. members and other U.S. residents interested in showing support for these programs are invited to make donations or bequests to IEEE-USA’s Government Fellowship Fund.  Gifts/bequests sufficient to endow a Fellowship can be named for/by the giver.  Charitable contributions to the IEEE and IEEE Foundation are tax deductible to the fullest extent allowed by law in the United States. For other countries, please check with your local tax advisor.

IEEE-USA Government Fellows Fund

IEEE-USA Government Fellows Fund

Your gift to the IEEE-USA Government Fellows Fund supports the Fellows program which leverage the knowledge and expertise of IEEE’s US members to provide timely advice and assistance to the US federal government, and to assist the education of the IEEE’s US membership about the public policies that affect specifically the STEM community.

Staff Contact

Erica Wissolik
Program Manager, Government Activities
Phone: 202-530-8347