To recognize key individuals for outstanding IEEE-USA volunteer efforts and contributions.
Form of Recognition
Specially engraved award.
One per year. If no suitable candidate is proposed in a given year, the award will not be presented for that year.
IEEE-USA Volunteers. No member of the IEEE Board of Directors, the IEEE-USA Board of Directors, the IEEE-USA ARC, or IEEE staff may be candidates, or nominate or endorse candidates for IEEE-USA awards, with the exception of the required Regional/Divisional Director’s endorsement on Leadership awards. Nor is any individual eligible to be a candidate, or nominate or endorse candidates for IEEE-USA Awards if they resign from one of these bodies during the same year that the awards are under consideration.
Proposals for nominations of candidates for this award shall be made on nomination forms available from the IEEE-USA Office (online) , and solicited via publications of suitable notices in SPECTRUM, The INSTITUTE, Section and Society newsletters.
Basis for Judging
Selections shall be based on outstanding efforts by an eligible IEEE-USA volunteer leading to successful achievement(s) in advancing the professional objectives of IEEE-USA, including contributions to the public good and achievements related to advancing the social, economic, legal, ethical, and public policy interests of IEEE’s U.S. members or significantly enhancing the effectiveness of the organization and its recognition.
The IEEE-USA Awards and Recognition Committee shall evaluate all proposals and shall select the proposal which, in their judgment, is best and second best as alternate, and recommend the proposed candidate to the IEEE-USA Board of Directors for approval.
Presentation of the award shall normally be made by the IEEE-USA President or designee at a major IEEE-USA Conference.
Citation shall be proposed by the person originating the nomination. It will be reviewed and modified as appropriate by the IEEE-USA Awards and Recognition Committee.
Staff Contacts:
Leah Laird
Sr. Marketing & Communications Specialist, IEEE-USA
202-530-8328 | l.laird@ieee.org
Jonathon Choe
Social Media Associate, IEEE-USA
202-530-8363 | j.choe@ieee.org