Welcome to IEEE-USA
Because you live in the United States, when you joined IEEE, you automatically became part of IEEE-USA. Located in Washington, D.C., IEEE-USA is an organizational unit of IEEE, created in 1973 to support the career and public policy interests of IEEE’s U.S. members. IEEE-USA is primarily supported by an annual assessment paid by U.S. IEEE Members.
What does IEEE-USA do for you?
Free E-Books and Audiobooks
IEEE-USA’s catalog of more than 150 IEEE-USA ebooks and audio books on topics like careers, soft skills and public policy is now available for free to U.S. members. Visit our shop to download your first free e-book today.
E-mail Newsletters
U.S. members receive the following newsletters: IEEE-USA InSight Email Update (monthly); IEEE-USA Conference Brief (quarterly); and the IEEE-USA Leadership Connection (monthly to YPs and Students only).
Career Tools
IEEE-USA provides U.S. members discounted access to IEEE-USA’s Salary Service & Salary Calculator, salary reports, and other tools to help you benchmark and negotiate fair compensation, and build the career you have always wanted.
A Voice in Washington
IEEE-USA provides a voice in Washington, D.C., for U.S. members. Volunteers and staff are work with national and state leaders to craft technically sound solutions to the challenges facing the country and technology professionals.