IEEE-USA is an organizational unit of IEEE. created in 1973 to support the careers and public policy interests of IEEE’s U.S. members. Our programs are supported through a special assessment of IEEE’s U.S. members, through sales of products and services, and through the generosity of members and others who make gifts and contributions. IEEE-USA is currently seeking gifts and contributions to the following five funds administered through the IEEE Foundation:


IEEE-USA Government Fellows Fund

IEEE-USA Government Fellows Fund

IEEE-USA Student Public Policy Fund

IEEE-USA MOVE Community Outreach Fund

Awards Fund

IEEE-USA is an organizational unit of IEEE. created in 1973 to support the careers and public policy interests of IEEE’s U.S. members. Our programs are supported through a special assessment of IEEE’s U.S. members, through sales of products and services, and through the generosity of members and others who make gifts and contributions. IEEE-USA is currently seeking gifts and contributions to the following four funds administered through the IEEE Foundation:



Gifts to the IEEE-USA General Fund support special projects conducted by IEEE-USA to enhance the careers of U.S. IEEE members, improve K-12 science, technology, engineering and math education, and promote public awareness of the profession.

IEEE-USA Government Fellows Fund

IEEE-USA Government Fellows Fund

Your gift to the IEEE-USA Government Fellows Fund supports the Fellows program which leverage the knowledge and expertise of IEEE’s US members to provide timely advice and assistance to the US federal government, and to assist the education of the IEEE’s US membership about the public policies that affect specifically the STEM community.

IEEE-USA Student Public Policy Fund

IEEE-USA Student Public Policy Fund

Your gift to the Student Public Policy Fund support students studying the intersections of technology with policy and how engineers and scientists can make an effective contribution to technically sound laws and regulations.

IEEE-USA MOVE Community Outreach

IEEE-USA MOVE Community Outreach Fund

Your gift to the IEEE-USA MOVE Community Outreach Fund supports MOVE emergency deployments and K-12 STEM public outreach, including the costs of operating and maintaining the MOVE vehicle and upgrading its capabilities.

IEEE-USA Awards Fund

IEEE-USA Awards Fund

Your gift to the IEEE-USA Awards Fund supports the annual IEEE-USA Awards program, which recognizes professionalism, technical achievement, and literary contributions to public awareness and understanding of the engineering profession in the United States.