
The following is a directory of web sites and principal contacts, where available, for each of the local IEEE Consultants’ Networks in the United States, listed by IEEE Region. Contact Daryll Griffin if you have any questions or have updated information that you would like posted.

Notice and Disclaimer: In providing contact information for IEEE Consultant Networks, IEEE-USA makes no representation regarding the experience, competency, or qualifications of individual IEEE members or others who offer their services as consultants.

Berkshire Consultants’ Network
Chair: Richard Kolodziejczyk
Phone: 413-655-2623
Email: rkolod@ieee.org

Binghamton Consultants Network
Chair: Vincent Socci
Email: socci@ieee.org

Boston Section of the IEEE Consultants Network
Chair: Sorin Marcovici
Email: sorinmarcovici1@gmail.com

IEEE Worcester County Section Consultants Network
Chair: Larry Nelson
Email: Mchipguru@gmail.com

Princeton/Central Jersey Consultants’ Network
Chair: Star Willmarth
Email: willmarth@ieee.org

IEEE New Hampshire Section Consultants’ Network
Chair: Raj Vayyavur
Email: RVayyavur@pcgus.com

New Jersey Coast Consultants’ Network
Chair: Manuel Fuentes
Email: mfc@probussys.com

Consultants Network of Northern New Jersey
Chair: Jim Julian
Email: consultant@jimjulian.com
Contact: Robert D. Walker, P.E.
770 Westbrook Road
West Milford, NJ 07480
Office: 973-728-0344
Fax:  973/728-1351
Email: r.d.walker@ieee.org

770 Westbrook Road
West Milford, NJ 07480
Office:  973-728-0344
Fax: 973-728-1351
Email: r.d.walker@ieee.org

Long Island Consultants’ Network
Chair: Chris Early
Email:  ambertec@ieee.org

Cleveland Section Consultants Network
Chair: Wenbing Zhao
Email: wenbing@ieee.org

Miami Valley Consultants’ Network (Dayton)
Chair: Vacant

IEEE Pittsburgh Section Consultants Network
Chair & Webmaster: George Crawford
Email:  gwc2gwc2@gmail.com

Western North Carolina
Chair: A.J. Burke
Email: ajburke@ieee.org

IEEE Melbourne Section – Consultants’ Network Affinity Group
Chair: Raul Ortega
Email: rortega@nuvosource.com

Orlando Section Consultants’ Network Affinty Group
Chair: Luis Chocho
Email: luis.chocho@ieee.org

IEEE Florida West Coast Section Consultants’ Network Affinity Group
Chair: Hermann Amaya
1448 73rd Circle NE
St. Petersburg, FL 33702
Office: 727-543-1308
Email: hamaya@tampabay.rr.com

IEEE Jamaica Section Consultants Network Affinity Group
Chair: Dr. Halden Morris
Email: halden.morris@uwimona.edu.jm

IEEE Chicago/Rockford Consultant’s Network
Chair: Rob Klein
Email: rob.klein@ieee.org

Central Indiana Engineering Consultants’ Network
Chair: William R. Kassebaum, PE
Office:  317-225-4126
Email: Will.Kassebaum@ieee.org
5782 Liberty Creek Dr. E.
Indianapolis, IN 46254

Cedar Rapids Eastern Iowa Consultants Network
Chair: Dan Roesler
Email: dprdakota@southslope.net

IEEE West Michigan Consultants Networks
Chair: Chuck Parks
Email: parks@customelectronicproducts.com
Vice chair: Bob Houskamp
Email: houskampdesign@sbcglobal.net

South Eastern Michigan Consultants Affinity Group
Chair: Sharan Kalwani
Email: sharan DOT kalwani at IEEE DOT org

IEEE Consultant’s Network of the Twin Cities (MN)
Chair: Tom Relling
Email: Thomas.Relling@tomsuengineering.com

IEEE Southern Minnesota Consultants Network
Chair: Mike Fallenstein
Email: m.fallenstein@ieee.org

Madison Section Consultants and Entrepreneurs Network
Chair: Matt Nowick
Email: nowick@ieee.org

IEEE Kansas City Consultants’ Network
Chair: David Nall
Cell: 732-224-8895
Email: davenall@ieee.org

Dallas Consultants’ Network
Chair: Maura Schreier-Fleming
Email: cndallaschair@ieee.org

Central Texas Consultants Network
Chair: Luis Basto
Email: lbast@ieee.org

IEEE Houston Section Consultants Network Affinity Group
Chair: Tommy Cooper, PE
Cooper Consulting Service
211 E. Parkwood Ave. Suite 200
Friendswood, TX 77546
Office:  281-482-9786
Cell: 832-385-4884
Email: tgcooper@sbcglobal.net

Panhandle Affinity Group Consultants’ Network
Chair: Tracy Harlow
Email: tharlow@dukeelec.com

IEEE Galveston Bay Section Consultants Network Affinity Group
Chair: Zafar Taqvi
Email:  ztaqvi@gmail.com

IEEE Phoenix Section, Consultants Network Affinity Group
Chair: Michael Andrews
Email: michael@andrews-associates.com

Consultants’ Network of Silicon Valley
Chair: John R. Carlsen
Email: cnsv@syncopate.us
Phone: 408-207-7673

Foothill Consultants Network
Chair: Cash Sutton
Email: suttoncash@gmail.com

San Diego Consultants’ Network
Chair: David Robie
Email: davidleerobie@gmail.com

Oregon IEEE Consultants’ Network
Chair: Terry Lang
Email: terryl@alzatex.com

Seattle Consultants’ Network
Mike Brisbois, Chair
Email:  mike.brisbois@ieee.org
(708) 668-5488


IEEE Egypt Section Consultants Network Affinity Group
Chair: Islam Tharwat Abdel-Halim
Email: islamhalim@ieee.org

Nigeria Section Consultants Network
Chair: Kennedy Chinedu Okafor
Email: kennedy.okafor@ieee.org

IEEE Tunisia Section Consultants Network Affinity Group
Chair: Seif El Hajjem
Email: seif.elhajjem.TN@ieee.org


Ottawa Section Consultants Network
Chair: Bhagvat Joshi
Email: bjoshi@ieee.org
Vice-Chair: Michael Bourassa
Email: michael.bourassa@ieee.org

IEEE Vancouver Consultants Network
Chair: Scott Tully
Email: s.t.tully@ieee.org


Colombia Section Consultants Network Affinity Group
Chair: Fernando Ramirez
Email: feratus@gmail.com


IEEE Bombay Section-Nagpur Consultants Network Affinity Group
Chair: Shashikant Patil
Email: sspatil999@gmail.com

Dehli Section Affinity Group, CN
Chair: Ravi K. Aggarwal
Email: rkaggar1@yahoo.co.in

IEEE Kerala Section Consultants Network
Chair: Amarnath Raja
Email: amar@inapp.com


IEEE Malaysia Section Consultants Network
Chair: Borhanuddin Mohd Ali
Email: borhan@upm.edu.my


IEEE Spain Section Consultants Network Affinity Group
Chair: Miguel Ferrando-Rocher
Email: miguelferrandorocher@gmail.com

For more information on IEEE-USA’s Consultant Services, the Alliance of IEEE Consultants’ Networks Coordinating Committee, or how to start your own local IEEE Consultants’ Network, contact:

Daryll Griffin
2001 L Street, NW, Suite 700
Washington, DC 20036-5104
(Office) 202/530-8337
(Fax) 202/785-0835
(Email) d.r.griffin@ieee.org