
The R&D Policy Committee is a committee of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers – United States of America (IEEE-USA).  The overall objective of the R&D Policy Committee is to develop and disseminate positions on engineering and defense research and development policies and programs in the United States within the scope of, or affecting, IEEE’s technical expertise.

The Committee may address all aspects of R&D policy in the United States, excepting those within the Aerospace and Energy R&D areas, where the engineering knowledge and skills of the IEEE’s U.S. members can make a constructive contribution. The R&D Policy Committee may provide a vehicle for presenting the views of the IEEE-USA to the public and the appropriate elements of government. The R&D Policy Committee will prepare and present positions in accordance with IEEE-USAB procedures on any aspect of governmental or private sector R&D policy and programs within the technical and professional competence of the IEEE. The R&D Policy Committee will work to provide to the IEEE-USA membership balanced, technically sound information on research and development related matters.

Priority Issues & Activities

IEEE-USA will support the implementation of innovation-related legislation and the associated federal research and development (R&D) budget appropriations needed to sustain U.S. technological leadership; promote economic competitiveness; and create high-value, advanced research and engineering jobs in the United States. Priorities include:

  • increasing federal investments in science and engineering R&D, including university research and education initiatives;
  • advocating sound R&D technology policies that advance US technology industries;
  • revitalizing U.S. high-tech manufacturing, including appropriate incentives for businesses to locate R&D and manufacturing operations in the United States;
  • urging appropriate changes to the U.S. export controls regime, including clarification of the deemed export rule;
  • removing barriers to participation in professional society conferences by federal S&Es.

Position Statements

The following research and development policy related positions have been adopted by IEEE-USA:


U.S. Government – Executive Branch

U.S. Government – Congress

S&T Associations/Think-Tanks

Advocacy Groups/Coalitions

Committee Chairs

Chair: Nils Smith

Staff Contact

Ryan Cunius
Sr. Legislative Representative, IEEE-USA Government Relations
+1 202 530 8339

Get Involved

You are invited to participate in the IEEE-USA RDPC. As an active member of the committee, you will contribute to the preparation of position statements, help develop supporting materials, share information with other parts of IEEE, work with staff to provide timely responses to Congressional requests, and share information with members on R&D policy matters that impact their lives. You can raise S&T policy issues of concern to you and your colleagues, and help IEEE-USA influence the formulation of national S&T policies. To explore membership, contact the RDPC Chair, or government-relations@ieeeusa.org.