2025-2026 Fellowship Applications Due Monday, 9 December 2024

Interviews to be held 4-5 February 2025
See program and application details below.

Enabling Science, Technology & Engineering Professionals to Work With and Advise Federal Government Public Policymakers

Since 1973, more than 140 exceptional U.S. IEEE members have worked in Washington as advisors to Members of Congress and federal agencies.

Each year, IEEE-USA sponsors several government fellowships for qualified U.S. IEEE members.  The Fellows — chosen by the IEEE-USA Government Fellows Committee and confirmed by our Board — spend a year living and working in Washington as advisers to the U.S. Congress and to the U.S. Department of State or U.S. Agency for International Development. Known as Congressional FellowshipsEngineering & Diplomacy Fellowships, or Engineering & International Development Fellowships, the fellowship program links science, technology and engineering professionals with the U.S. government, and provides a mechanism for IEEE’s U.S. members to learn firsthand about the public policy process while imparting their knowledge and experience to policymakers.

IEEE-USA maintains its Fellows program as part of its mission to serve the public good, and as an educational program for our members.  Fellows do not provide any services to IEEE-USA, other than periodic reports designed to educate other engineers about the fellowship experience.

“The Fellowship Program has been one of the most important initiatives in good government in the past century.”

Rush Holt, Former New Jersey Congressman and former Congressional Fellow

Meet the 2024-2025 IEEE-USA Government Fellows

Dr. Christine T. Chang
Dr. Christine T. ChangCongressional Fellow
Dr. Marianne Meyersohn
Dr. Marianne MeyersohnEngineering & Diplomacy Fellow
Dr. Trevor Odelberg
Dr. Trevor OdelbergCongressional Fellow
Dr. Liz Sefton
Dr. Liz SeftonUSAID Engineering & International Development Fellow

Meet the 2023-2024 IEEE-USA Government Fellows

Dr. Lindsay DeMarchi
Dr. Lindsay DeMarchiCongressional Fellow
Dr. Adam Navara
Dr. Adam NavaraCongressional Fellow

Fellowship Programs & Applications

Congressional Fellowship

This program enables IEEE members to work on Capitol Hill as advisors to Congress, serving on the personal staff of a U.S. Senator or Representative, or the professional staff of a Congressional Committee of the Fellow’s choosing.

U.S. Department of State Engineering & Diplomacy Fellowship

This fellowship program is designed to raise awareness of the value of STEM input into the public policy-making process, and offers an opportunity for the fellow to provide technical expertise to the U.S. Department of State, while learning about and contributing to the foreign policy process.

USAID Engineering & International Development Fellowship

This fellowship offers an opportunity for member of the science, technology, and engineering community to provide valuable technical expertise to USAID while learning about and contributing to the foreign policy process.

Fellowship Ethics Rules

All Fellows are expected to maintain the highest levels of professionalism and ethical behavior.  Fellows must ensure that they are free of influence from previous employers, employment and IEEE. No fellow may earn outside income, continue working for a previous employer, or do contract work while serving in a fellowship.

Click here for more details on the Fellows Ethics Policy and Guidelines.

Important Note

Applicants for all three types of IEEE-USA Government Fellowships must be American citizens. The fellowship is a fully in-person experience. All fellows must be available to live in Washington D.C. for the entire duration of the fellowship due to the specialized nature of the work, which often requires close proximity to government institutions and public policymakers.

Before you apply for a U.S. Department of State or USAID fellowship, please consider whether or not you think you will be able to obtain a U.S. Government security clearance. Ability to obtain a security clearance is a prerequisite to working as a U.S. Department of State or USAID fellow. If a fellow fails to obtain the necessary clearance, the fellowship will be rescinded and all stipend funds, if issued, must be returned to IEEE-USA. If you have any questions about the process, this website provides additional information: https://www.state.gov/security-clearances

Be thoughtful about which fellowship you would prefer or feel you are most suited. While there is no prohibition on applying for all three types of IEEE-USA fellowships, if you apply for more than one, applicants must submit separate applications, one for each fellowship. IEEE-USA will not accept a single application stating that you are interested in all three fellowships.

Be mindful of the fact that the three fellowships are unique and very different from each other. If you are applying for more than one, you must submit separate cover letters, separate application packets, and separate reference letters for each application. Your cover letters, references, and application materials should reflect an understanding of the distinctions between the executive and legislative branch fellowships, and illustrate the experiences and qualifications that might benefit you in each fellowship.

Government Fellows Committee


The mission of IEEE-USA’s Government Fellows Committee is to develop and maintain an effective government fellowship program to utilize the knowledge and expertise of IEEE’s U.S. members to provide timely advice and assistance to the U.S. government, and to assist the education of the IEEE’s U.S. membership and the public on technology matters relating to public policy. The committee reports to the IEEE-USA Board of Directors through the IEEE-USA Vice President of Government Relations.


The IEEE-USA President appoints U.S.-based IEEE members to serve individual three (3) year terms. Additionally, representatives of the U.S. Department of State and the U.S. Agency for International Development participate in the selection and interviews of the executive branch fellows.

Government Fellows Committee

Daniel Moore, Knoxville, TN (Chair)
Emile Loza de Siles, Honolulu, HI
Jonathan Rayner, Washington, DC
Benjamin Schmitt, Philadelphia, PA
Yan Zheng, Washington, DC
David Goldston, Washington, DC (Congressional Fellowships Advisor)
Jay Greenberg Eddystone, PA (IEEE Region 2 Liaison)
Erica Wissolik, staff

Key Dates

GFC meets twice a year; a teleconference meeting to review applications and select Fellowship finalists, and a regular in-person meeting to interview the finalists and recommend the Fellowship recipients.

  • 9 December 2024 – 12PM EST Application deadline for the 2025-2026 fellowship applications
  • TBD – Committee teleconference to review applications and select eligible candidates for interviews.
  • 4-5 February 2025 – Interviews of Fellows applicants. Depending upon travel ability, interviews may be virtual.
  • 4 February 2025 – Annual dinner for Government Fellows Committee and current government fellows

IEEE-USA Government Fellows Fund

IEEE-USA Government Fellows Fund

Your gift to the IEEE-USA Government Fellows Fund supports the Fellows program which leverage the knowledge and expertise of IEEE’s US members to provide timely advice and assistance to the US federal government, and to assist the education of the IEEE’s US membership about the public policies that affect specifically the STEM community.

Staff Contact

Erica Wissolik
Program Manager, Government Activities
Phone: 202-530-8347
Email: e.wissolik@ieee.org