IEEE-USA Can Help You Start an Employment Network in Your Section
IEEE-USA encourages U.S. Sections (Regions 1-6) to launch their own Employment Networks. The purpose of these Networks is to provide more local networking opportunities and group support for IEEE members who are seeking employment opportunities. Employment Networks are taken from the Job Club concept, usually attributed to Dr. Nathan Azrin, a clinical psychologist who co-authored Job Club Counselor’s Manual: A Behavioral Approach to Vocational Counseling. Azrin’s manual provides instruction on how job seekers can work effectively in a group to assist one another with their job search campaigns.
IEEE-USA would like to expand this program — which has demonstrated success in helping members find employment — throughout the United States. Daryll Griffin, IEEE-USA’s Program Manager for Career and Innovation Activities, is available to help IEEE Sections with their efforts to start Employment Networks. For more information, please contact Mr. Griffin at d.r.griffin@ieee.org or call +1 202 530 8337.
In addition IEEE-USA has also created a LinkedIn group for IEEE members wanting to network online and discuss employment related topics.
Webinar Alert: Engineering Collaborative Job Search Strategies
IEEE-USA held a webinar focused on helping IEEE members/Sections build and maintain support groups to put a boost into a person’s job search. In additiona for those considering starting an Employment Network this webinar can be used as a tool to learn:
- The value of group support
- Defining the group’s goals
- Developing a structure
- Sharing information
- Developing relationships
- Getting results
Sherri Edwards, a consultant on career achievement and past IEEE-USA webinar speaker helps both individuals and companies in their needs to find rewarding work and build better workplaces lead this webinar discussion.
Employment Network Module
This enhanced document is written to provide IEEE members with a more detailed understanding of how to start and effectively operate an Employment Network. It is also written to compliment the step-by-step guide provided on this webpage. The Employment Network Module provides more details about how to start an Employment Network, provides more examples of activities the Network can do to enhance members job search and it also suggest a funding source members may be able to access to fund their activities. The Employment Network Module (.doc) is another resource that can help Employment Networks.
Here is a sample PACE Project Funding Request Form (.xls) as noted in the Employment Network Module document.