
IEEE-USA supports the career interests of self-employed IEEE members in the United States through the Consultants Committee (formerly AICNCC). The Committee helps local IEEE-USA Consultants’ Networks coordinate their activities and provides services to individual consultants in areas lacking sufficient members to start a local network. The Consultants Committee’s objectives include fostering the growth of Consultants’ Networks in the United States, encouraging consultants to join existing networks or form new ones, promoting the use of independent technical and engineering consultants by industry and business, and providing educational activities for self-employed members. This work is accomplished in part by maintaining the IEEE-USA Consultant Finder and by co-sponsoring regular National Consultants’ Workshops.

IEEE-USA provides a variety of services and resources for members exploring or engaged in the practice of consulting, under the oversight of the Consultants Committee.

  • IEEE-USA supports the IEEE Consultants Network with quarterly newsletters and access to an annual consultants webinar series. Network members can also take advantage of the IEEE Consultants Exchange in IEEE Collabratec.
  • IEEE-USA assists with the start-up of local IEEE Consultant Networks and encourages member-consultants to take advantage of these networking and educational opportunities they provide.
  • IEEE Consultants can advertise their services in the IEEE-USA Consultant Finder.
  • IEEE-USA also arranges occasional workshops and offers webinars and ebooks on consulting-related topics, as well as specialized resources such as the annual Consultants Fee Survey.

Position Statements


    Committee Chair

    Charles Lord

    Staff Contact

    Daryll Griffin
    Program Manager, Career, Member & Innovation Activities
    +1 202 530 8337

    IEEE Consultants Exchange

    This is a dedicated IEEE Collabratec community for IEEE independent consultants to network with other consultants and discuss consulting activities provided by IEEE and its local networks across the globe. Consultants can exchange ideas, information about contracts, business contacts, and marketing your practice.