
The AI Policy Committee brings together IEEE members with experience and expertise in the various disciplines used in artificial intelligence (AI) to address the public policy needs of the S&T community working with this important emerging technology. The committee meets as needed to address the public policy issues related to AI, and publishes position statements that reflect a consensus viewpoint of IEEE’s U.S. membership, and which IEEE-USA staff use to guide advocacy efforts within the United States. Specific uses include, but are not limited to, legislative advocacy, rule-making notice-and-comment letters, and advocacy efforts with the US Administration and federal agency officials.


While AI can be an effective and efficient enabler for national security and social good, and has significant potential for a wide range of commercial applications, society must acknowledge and address a number of salient issues. Increasingly, AI applications significantly impact every aspect of American society, with implications for the economy, public safety, privacy, and governmental applications.

For these reasons, the US government must create coordinated federal policy, which includes supporting AI R&D adequately while enacting effective laws and regulations that promote safety, privacy, cybersecurity, and intellectual property protection. Federal public policies must also ensure transparency and provide the information necessary to allow the public to make informed decisions when using AI. Insufficient attention to any of these areas could result in high-profile controversies, critical technological failures, or even loss of life. Well-considered public policies are essential to achieve the full potential of AI to create value for our society and retain U.S. leadership in AI innovation.

About AIPC 1-pager

Recent Policy Communications

For a complete listing, please visit: https://ieeeusa.org/public-policy/log/archive/



Committee Chairs

Cari L. Miller, Ph.D.
Karim Ginena

Staff Contact

Erica Wissolik
Program Manager, Government Activities
Phone: 202-530-8347
Email: e.wissolik@ieee.org

AI Resources

A Flexible Maturity Model for AI Governance Based on the NIST AI Risk Management FrameworkA Flexible Maturity Model for AI Governance Based on the NIST AI Risk Management Framework – This new IEEE-USA AI Policy Committee publication presents a flexible maturity model to improve AI governance, leveraging the NIST AI Risk Management Framework (AI RMF). The maturity model includes a questionnaire and a set of scoring guidelines. Key aspects of flexibility include multiple granularity levels for questions, modifications based on the life cycle stage of systems being evaluated (e.g., planning, data collection/model building, or deployment), and modifications based on whether an organization has multiple AI systems to evaluate.

How should we regulate AI?How Should We Regulate AI? – Practical strategies for regulation and risk management from the IEEE1012 Standard for System, Software, and Hardware Verification and Validation.

Trustworthy Evidence For Trustworthy TechnologyTrustworthy Evidence For Trustworthy Technology – This new publication from the IEEE Global Initiative’s Law Committee and the IEEE-USA AI Policy Committee discusses three components of trustworthiness, with a particular focus on evidence required for establishing the trustworthiness of a system.

Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning Applied to CybersecurityArtificial Intelligence & Machine Learning Applied to Cybersecurity: The result of an intensive three-day IEEE Confluence 6-8 October 2017

The Seven Deadly Sins of AI Predictions – Mistaken extrapolations, limited imagination, and other common mistakes that distract us from thinking more productively about the future (Rodney Brooks)

The Great AI Paradox – Don’t worry about supersmart AI eliminating all the jobs. That’s just a distraction from the problems even relatively dumb computers are causing (Brian Bergstein)

AI: A Global SurveyAI: A Global Survey – This AI survey provides an overview of the current national AI strategies of 26 different countries, helping US policymakers and others in the space understand the global context of AI. (Raine Sagramsingh)

CertifAIEdIEEE AI Ethics Certification Program
IEEE CertifAIEdTM is a certification program for assessing ethics of Autonomous Intelligent Systems (AIS) solutions to help protect, differentiate and grow product adoption.

Ethically Aligned DesignIEEE AI Ethics in Action
The Ethically Aligned Design series was created to highlight specific aspects of the seminal document Ethically Aligned Design: Prioritizing Human Wellbeing with Autonomous and Intelligent Systems. More Info →

IEEE AI Standards
The IEEE SA global community is developing accessible and sustainable approaches and solutions for practical application of AIS principles and frameworks.

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IEEE Smart Cities brings together IEEE’s broad array of technical societies and organizations to advance the state of the art for smart city technologies for the benefit of society.