Free Audiobooks

IEEE-USA’s FREE audiobooks offer a convenient way to catch up on dozens of IEEE-USA’s most popular e-book titles. Choose from titles in a number of categories, including: critical thinking skills, valuable career lessons, women in engineering, leadership, and more. Visit our shop for the e-book versions, which are free to IEEE members.

Audiobook: Transitioning from Student to Engineer
Audiobook: Transitioning from Student to Engineer
Audiobook: The Tesla Twins – Rescue at the Speed of Light
Audiobook: The Tesla Twins – Rescue at the Speed of Light
The In’s & Out’s of Mentoring
The In’s & Out’s of Mentoring
Teaching Your Kids to Think and Solve Problems
Teaching Your Kids to Think and Solve Problems
Critical Thinking Skills for Engineers – Book 5: On Problem Solving
Critical Thinking Skills for Engineers – Book 5: On Problem Solving
Career Transitioning 101 – Book 1: First Steps
Career Transitioning 101 – Book 1: First Steps
The Value of a Speakers Bureau
The Value of a Speakers Bureau
So, How Are Things Going? Making the Most of One-On-Ones With your Manager
So, How Are Things Going? Making the Most of One-On-Ones With your Manager
Publish Your Work
Publish Your Work
Public Speaking for Engineers—Say It Loud and Proud
Public Speaking for Engineers—Say It Loud and Proud
Process Skills: The Keys to Success
Process Skills: The Keys to Success
Pitching Your Ideas… and Yourself
Pitching Your Ideas… and Yourself
Idea to Product—A Research Pathway for Students
Idea to Product—A Research Pathway for Students
Free to Choose STEM: Data and Reflections on Girls and STEM Careers
Free to Choose STEM: Data and Reflections on Girls and STEM Careers
Electrical Engineering Activities for Use in the Classroom
Electrical Engineering Activities for Use in the Classroom
Audiobook: Do Your R&D!
Audiobook: Do Your R&D!
Audiobook: Critical Thinking Skills for Engineers – Book 4: On Open-mindedness
Audiobook: Critical Thinking Skills for Engineers – Book 4: On Open-mindedness
Audiobook: Critical Thinking Skills for Engineers – Book 3: On Creativity
Audiobook: Critical Thinking Skills for Engineers – Book 3: On Creativity
Audiobook: Critical Thinking Skills for Engineers – Book 2: Communication Skills
Audiobook: Critical Thinking Skills for Engineers – Book 2: Communication Skills
Audiobook: The Slate Twins: Caught in the Currents
Audiobook: The Slate Twins: Caught in the Currents
Audiobook: Critical Thinking Skills for Engineers – Book 1: Analytical Skills
Audiobook: Critical Thinking Skills for Engineers – Book 1: Analytical Skills
Audiobook: Caring for Your Project Team
Audiobook: Caring for Your Project Team
Audiobook: Boosting Team Creativity
Audiobook: Boosting Team Creativity
Audiobook: What Will Our World Be Like in 10 Years? Book 1: Emerging Trends
Audiobook: What Will Our World Be Like in 10 Years? Book 1: Emerging Trends
Audiobook: Thomas Edison—Man of the Millennium, Vol. 3: Observations
Audiobook: Thomas Edison—Man of the Millennium, Vol. 3: Observations
Audiobook: Thomas Edison – Man of the Millennium – Volume 2: Lifetime Partnerships
Audiobook: Thomas Edison – Man of the Millennium – Volume 2: Lifetime Partnerships
Audiobook: Thomas Edison – Man of the Millennium – Volume 1: The Legacy
Audiobook: Thomas Edison – Man of the Millennium – Volume 1: The Legacy
Audiobook: Valuable Career Lessons I Learned in Dad’s Workshop – Vol 2: Be Responsible, Communicate and Keep Learning
Audiobook: Valuable Career Lessons I Learned in Dad’s Workshop – Vol 2: Be Responsible, Communicate and Keep Learning
Audiobook: Valuable Career Lessons I Learned in Dad’s Workshop — Vol.1: Be Creative; Plan Ahead
Audiobook: Valuable Career Lessons I Learned in Dad’s Workshop — Vol.1: Be Creative; Plan Ahead
Audiobook: Women in Engineering – Book 4: Follow Your Curiosities – Finding Success Through Learning
Audiobook: Women in Engineering – Book 4: Follow Your Curiosities – Finding Success Through Learning
Audiobook: Developing Your People — Commonsense Leadership in the Workplace – Vol. 3: Career Asset Management, Teamwork and Empowerment
Audiobook: Developing Your People — Commonsense Leadership in the Workplace – Vol. 3: Career Asset Management, Teamwork and Empowerment
Audiobook: Developing Your People – Commonsense Leadership in the Workplace – Vol. 2
Audiobook: Developing Your People – Commonsense Leadership in the Workplace – Vol. 2
Audiobook: Developing Your People – Commonsense Leadership in the Workplace – Vol. 1: Key Skills
Audiobook: Developing Your People – Commonsense Leadership in the Workplace – Vol. 1: Key Skills
Audiobook: Rewarding Your Employees in Tight Salary Times – Vol. 2: Some Additional Techniques
Audiobook: Rewarding Your Employees in Tight Salary Times – Vol. 2: Some Additional Techniques
Audiobook: Abigail & The Fish Tree
Audiobook: Abigail & The Fish Tree
Audiobook: Why STEM is Important
Audiobook: Why STEM is Important
Audiobook: Rewarding Your Employees in Tight Salary Times – Vol. 1: Some Basic Techniques
Audiobook: Rewarding Your Employees in Tight Salary Times – Vol. 1: Some Basic Techniques
Audiobook: Developing Your Path – A Guide to Landing Your Dream Career
Audiobook: Developing Your Path – A Guide to Landing Your Dream Career
Audiobook: Tips for Young Engineers
Audiobook: Tips for Young Engineers
Audiobook: Secrets to Being a World-Changer – Part 2: The Doing of Leadership
Audiobook: Secrets to Being a World-Changer – Part 2: The Doing of Leadership
Audiobook: Secrets to Being a World-Changer – Part 1: The Being of Leadership
Audiobook: Secrets to Being a World-Changer – Part 1: The Being of Leadership
Audiobook: Staying Sharp – Volume 2: Tips for Staying Sharp Outside Your Company
Audiobook: Staying Sharp – Volume 2: Tips for Staying Sharp Outside Your Company
Audiobook: Staying Sharp – Volume 1: Tips for Staying Sharp Inside Your Company
Audiobook: Staying Sharp – Volume 1: Tips for Staying Sharp Inside Your Company