IEEE-USA is the eyes, ears and voice of America’s technology professionals in Washington, D.C., and the state capitals. Dedicated volunteers and experienced staff work directly with our nation’s leaders to craft technically sound solutions to the public policy challenges facing the country and technology professionals. Priority issues include:
- Artificial Intelligence: How can policy-makers help advance this emerging technology and ethically integrate AI systems into society?
- High-skill Immigration: We fight to protect American and non-American workers in the United States to ensure a strong, prosperous high-tech workforce.
- Research: We promote basic and applied research at federal agencies — including NASA, NIST and the NSF — by fighting to protect their budgets and allow researchers to use research dollars more efficiently.
- Intellectual Property: As a leading voice for small and independent inventors, we fight for a patent system that is accessible to all innovative people.
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IEEE-USA is a member of Science is US, building support for engineering, science and basic research in the United States.
Meet Our Staff
Erik Heilman
Government Relations
Phone: 202-530-8325
Ryan Cunius
Senior Legislative Representative
Government Relations
Phone: 202-530-8336
Annie Perrin Grisham
Policy Associate
Government Relations
Phone: 202-530-8349
Erica Wissolik
Program Manager
Government Relations
Phone: 202-530-8347
2001 L Street, NW, Suite 700
Washington, D.C. 20036
Phone: +1 202 785 0017
Fax: +1 202 785 0835