
IEEE-USA’s Committee on Transportation and Aerospace Policy (CTAP) contributes to the formulation of sound legislation, regulations and policies affecting aeronautics, astronautics and ground transportation technologies in the United States. Its scope includes civil aviation, intelligent transportation systems, manned and unmanned space exploration programs and related communications, infrastructure security, remote sensing and privacy protection issues.

Priority Issues

IEEE-USA will work to advance the safety, efficiency, security, and sustainability of transportation on surface, air and space, with a view towards promoting U.S. technology leadership and competitiveness. Priorities include:

  • upgrading and modernizing the national airspace system with communications, navigation, surveillance, and air traffic management automation technology;
  • promoting the use of intelligent transportation systems to improve transportation safety and to optimize traffic flow to ease congestion, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and reduce energy use;
  • advancing a technology-focused national space program that balances exploration, science, national security, and international partnerships;
  • advocating the development of controls safeguards and standards to establish cybersecurity and safety in all transportation systems and to improve port and aviation security; and
  • advancing UAV commercialization through technology policies that address autonomous control system safety, security, and efficacy.

Position Statements

The following CTAP position statements have been adopted by IEEE-USA.  Statements marked with an asterisk (*) are currently under review with updates expected in 2022:

Resource Links

U.S. Government Websites

National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

Department of Transportation

Department of Commerce

Congressional Sites (House | Senate | Congress.gov)

Related IEEE Sites

Committee Chair

Karen Burnham

Staff Contact

Erik Heilman
Director, IEEE-USA Government Relations
+1 202 530 8325

Get Involved

The Committee on Transportation and Aerospace Policy invites U.S. IEEE members with an interest in public policy and expertise in transportation and aerospace technologies to become Corresponding Members. Corresponding Members will be able to recommend committee policies and priorities, comment on draft statements and testimonies and otherwise contribute to the work of the committee. CTAP meetings are normally held in IEEE-USA’s Washington D.C. Office.  For more information on future meeting dates, contact government-relations@ieeeusa.org.

To apply for membership, please send a brief description of your interest and expertise to government-relations@ieeeusa.org.