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Presenter: Michael Bryant


The past few years have seen an explosion of online tools to help businesses automate. These tools have transformed the way companies operate. Today’s “Born in the Cloud” companies have little resemblance to organizations that were running 10 years ago. Larger established companies are struggling to adapt to the rapidly changing world.

This presentation will focus on three of these cloud technologies. The focus of the discussion will show how small consulting companies can utilize these three tools to increase their marketing reach, decrease their cost of doing business, and increase profitability.

The three areas of discussion are: e-mail distribution systems, video meeting services, and shared data workspaces. Real world examples will be used with a simple consulting practice model to show how companies can use these technologies to transform their operations.

No one is going to be able to use all of the ideas presented in the webinar, but we hope everyone will find something new they can try in their own practice. Join us for this presentation and learn how other companies are using today’s business technology.

About The Presenter

Michael Bryant is President of Software Synergistics. Software Synergistics is a consulting company based in San Diego County California. The company’s primary focus is integrating different types of computer systems together. Recent projects included integrating an ERP system with a public website to provide customers with live inventory data, and helping a company with multinational (and multi-currency) inventory transfers, move to a cloud based system. Over their 21 year history, the company has worked in healthcare patient care and financial systems, semiconductor safety systems, wholesale, retail and manufacturing systems. Prior to Software Synergistics, Mr. Bryant worked for several technology companies in various engineering, management, sales and consulting roles.

Mr. Bryant is a graduate of University of California San Diego, in Computer Engineering. He has helped found three technology companies in the past 20 years including Software Synergistics. He is currently the vice chair of the IEEE Consultants’ Network of San Diego. He is a past officer of the IEEE Orange County Consultants’ Network. He also served as a vice president for Habitat for Humanity of Orange County.

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