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Sridhar Ramanathan


Creativity is often considered the core of engineering because it is from creativity that we devise unique solutions to society’s challenges. LinkedIn’s Learning study ranked creativity #1 in its poll of critical job skills. Some engineers may feel, however, that they are not the “creative types.” As we’ll learn in this webinar there are many ways to enhance one’s innate creativity. Creativity is indeed within us all and simply needs activation to overcome a long held belief that we are otherwise. In this webinar, Sridhar Ramanathan takes a deeper look at creativity and how we might enhance this capability that is so critical to engineering. He will provide practical tips in areas such as cognitive flexibility, curiosity, visualization, imagination, and more.

About the Presenter

Sridhar Ramanathan has thirty years of experience in technology companies, from startups to blue chip firms. As Co-founder of Aventi Group, a product marketing agency, he has been instrumental in leading many tech firms through high growth phases. Prior to Aventi Group, Sridhar was the marketing executive for Hewlett-Packard’s Managed Services business where he was responsible for marketing worldwide and managing the portfolio of HP managed services’ $1.1B unit. Sridhar has an MBA from the Wharton School of Business and a B.S. in Engineering Physics from U.C. Berkeley. Sridhar is a published author with an IEEE books series on Critical Thinking for Engineers (free to IEEE Members, available to non-members at a nominal price). He is active in non-profit work including being an Executive Mentor for social entrepreneurs in Santa Clara University’s Miller Center.

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