Paul J. Kostek


“So How are Things Going?” – These are frequently the words that open a 1-on-1 meeting between a manager and employee. These have become the norm at most companies. An opportunity to sit down with your manager every week or every other week, and discuss how an assignment is going. The 1-on-1 is an attempt to increase the communications and feedback between manager and employee. Immediate feedback about the fit of an assignment, performance on a project, issue(s) with working conditions, fellow employees, or managers need to be addressed sooner than later. In a time where employee retention is critical to organizations, delays in responding to issues can result in the loss of productivity or the loss of an employee. In this webinar we’ll look at how to make the most effective use of this time as an employee and as a manager. How to raise issues and how to use this as a planning tool for the annual performance review.

About the Presenter

Paul J. Kostek is a Systems Engineer with Air Direct Solutions LLC, a consulting firm in Seattle, Washington. He works with companies in the aerospace, defense, medical device/healthcare, commercial space and ground transportation industries. Paul is experienced in requirements development/management, architecture, risk management, interface definition, verification, MBSE and project planning. This includes defining user needs, system/subsystem requirements, system architecture, risk assessments, interface control documents and verification and validation planning.

He is a member of the IEEE Humanitarian Activities Committee and chairs the Education Committee. Paul supports the IEEE Visibility activities with interviews and articles on aerospace, commercial space, UAVs and medical devices/healthcare for IEEE and other general news publications.

In 1999 Paul was the President of IEEE-USA, and a member of the IEEE Board of Directors. He served as President of the IEEE Aerospace & Electronics Systems Society in 2000-2001 and was a candidate for IEEE President-Elect in 2001. He Chaired the American Association of Engineering Societies in 2003. Paul was General Chair of the 2004 IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Conference, Chaired the 2006 IEEE/AIAA Digital Avionics Systems Conference and was the Chair of the 2011 and 2012 IEEE Global Humanitarian Technology Conference.

Paul was the IEEE-USA VP Communications & Public Awareness and on the IEEE-USA Board of Directors in 2007-2009. He also has served as chair of the IEEE Individual Benefits and Services Committee and founded the Avionics Systems Panel for the Aerospace and Electronics Systems Society.

Paul is a Senior Member of the IEEE, an Associate Fellow of the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics and a member of the International Council on Systems Engineering, SAE, and the Project Management Institute. He received his BS from the University of Massachusetts, Dartmouth.

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