Women in Engineering – The Complete Collection: Books 1-24

Women in Engineering – The Complete Collection: Books 1-24

This compilation is the complete collection of IEEE-USA’s award-winning series of 24 individual narratives, written by successful women engineers and technologists.

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IEEE-USA is playing an important role in giving women in engineering a voice and holding up women in the various fields of engineering to inspire the next generation of diverse, talented women. IEEE-USA’s Women in Engineering series offered two dozen women in our field the opportunity to tell their stories, highlighting successes and failures, as well as challenges and triumphs.

This series is important for female engineers to read — to compare and reflect on their own careers; to see the paths that women have taken before them; and to realize in a field that can, at times, seem like a sea of men, they are not alone — other women before them have faced very similar struggles. But it is also a great read for any young engineer wanting to explore the different paths a career in engineering can take — no matter their gender.

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