Elizabeth Lions


Embarking on a job hunt for executive or professional roles in 2024?

Delve into the secrets of a successful job hunt and unlock the key trends shaping this year’s employment scene. Elizabeth will unravel the mysteries surrounding the economic forecast, unveiling whether it’s the perfect time to embark on a new career chapter or conduct a stealthy job search.

Discover the cutting-edge resume strategies and gain an insider’s perspective on what hiring managers are truly seeking in the talent they bring aboard. Don’t miss out on this exclusive session where the future of your career awaits!

About the Presenter

Elizabeth Lions

Elizabeth Lions stands apart in the coaching realm. As a three-time bestselling author of transformative books like “I Quit – Working For You Isn’t Working For Me” and “Hear Us Roar,” her focus isn’t just on coaching—it’s on revolutionizing career trajectories. With over two decades immersed in talent acquisition, she possesses an unparalleled understanding of the corporate landscape. This unique perspective allows her to predict hiring, firing, and promotion patterns, giving clients an insider’s advantage.

What sets her apart? Custom-crafted coaching programs designed not for general success but tailored to deliver measurable, concrete outcomes. While many coaches offer guidance, Elizabeth provides strategic blueprints honed from her insider knowledge. Her coaching isn’t just about securing promotions or navigating job markets; it’s a career metamorphosis.

For more about her work, please visit