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Amber Orr


Blockchain is a distributed ledger technology that enables secure, transparent, and immutable recording of transactions across a network of computers. At its core, a blockchain consists of a chain of blocks, where each block contains a list of transactions. It requires network consensus to ensure validity. Once consensus is met, a block can be added to the ledger as an immutable record of transaction.

This rather simple concept has already changed our transactional landscape a great deal since it emerged in popularity. Conceptually, blockchain technology has the potential to disrupt traditional systems, increase efficiency, transparency, and trust, and empower individuals and organizations across various domains.

But, how did we get here? How is the history of Blockchain tied to Engineering and Technology? Is Blockchain only significant in the Data sciences and Computer Sciences Industries?

About the Presenter

Amber E. Orr is a Professional Engineer practicing in the State of Washington, USA. She has a history of working in both the Industrial and Power & Energy sectors. She is also an Electrical Forensic Engineer. She is currently the Chief Engineer representing several blockchain and HPC organizations supporting or developing their new large infrastructure requests and renewables throughout the United States.

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