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Presenter: Dr. Pam Estes Brewer
Virtual teams have become essential to the success of global organizations. These are teams that rely more heavily on computer-mediated communication than face-to-face communication to support their work. In fact, international virtual teams are the key to some of the biggest successes and failures in the global workplace, and when they are functioning effectively, organizations reap large benefits. Among 285 engineering professionals who participated in a 2013 survey, 68% reported experiencing communication problems in their virtual teams, and many of these professionals emphasized the costs of miscommunication in virtual teams. Sixty percent of these professionals reported that their organizations provided no formal training to prepare employees to work in virtual teams. Another 17% reported that their companies provided some formal training but with limited success. Instead, most of these professionals confessed to learning by trial and error, a very costly organizational approach. In this webinar, Dr. Pam Estes Brewer will present 15 core concepts for launching and maintaining highly functioning international virtual teams. Dr. Brewer bases these concepts on research in engineering and many years of experience working in virtual teams.
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