Women in Engineering – Book 11: Quietly, Clearly and Authoritatively

Women in Engineering – Book 11: Quietly, Clearly and Authoritatively

Author Amy K. Jones offers interesting anecdotes regarding her personal experiences as a woman in engineering. Some are stories of what she did well; others, she hopes, will demonstrate where she failed, and perhaps inspire others to act differently. Despite all the cringe-worthy moments, Jones believes her failures are the most vital to include. Successes feel intimidating, she writes, and it?s hard to accurately express how much hard work and luck go into them. In contrast, failure is a pathway to learning. Jones hopes her e-book inspires you to perform a bit of self-reflection; makes you laugh; and gives you a little of that special feeling one experiences when enjoying a glass of red wine–with a friend who really gets you.

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Author: Amy K. Jones

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