
  • his e-book provides everything you need to know about creating and using resumes and cover letters, traditional to digital-age, in a convenient, easy-to-read format. Before you sit down to update your resume, learn the basics about format, content and delivery. Plus, how to avoid common blunders, and how to follow-up. This short primer will shorten the distance between you and your next great job! Member: FREE Non-Member: $5.99
  • This e-book provides a road map for the student preparing to enter the job market, what employers are looking for, how they will find you, how you can best find them, and what career paths are open to you as a new grad. Member: FREE Non-Member: $5.99
  • The strength of our nation will always be dependent on having highly competent and dedicated engineering and science professionals. We can enhance future economic strength by nurturing employer-employee relationships that will help retain and motivate experienced engineers, and will also continue to attract new talent. These IEEE-USA-developed Guidelines can help employers and employees to understand clearly and fully the conditions in the workplace of the current and coming years, and they can provide guidance toward behavior that will be beneficial to the country and the engineering profession. Regular discussion of these Guidelines among employers, managers, human resources personnel and engineers will provide a basis for enhancing their working relationships and will lead to good communication and cooperation in the workplace. Members: FREE Non-Members: $5.99
  • This how-to guide provides the language and process of strategy with the basic tools needed to understand and implement it. It intends to provide an accessible guide to strategy for non-strategists in high-technology companies. It may also provide enough guidance to set non-strategists on the road to becoming effective strategists. The guidebook's goal is not to provide you with answers to what good strategy looks like, but rather to show the processes and frameworks that enable strategists to create and implement good strategy. The book is structured into three sections that reflect the steps of the strategy process: analysis, synthesis and action. Members: FREE Non-Members: $5.99
  • What do you want from your work and your career? Whatever your career goals and interests, this planning tool will help you achieve greater satisfaction and make more of an impact at work. Because your career values and goals are unique, you are the only person qualified to determine the course of action that will best suit your interests. This guide will help you identify and tailor solutions to your unique needs, goals and work situation. Members: FREE Non-Members: $5.99
  • IEEE-USA's first eBook puts 65 pages of content for consultants right at your fingertips. Access information on how to start a local consultants network; how to make sure you get paid for your work; how to make the transition from marketing to paid consulting; IEEE-USA's 2004 Profile of Consultants; and a sample consulting contract. Read it online, or print it to keep with your reference books. Members: FREE Non-Members: $5.99


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