
  • Engineers and scientists are frequently required to present technical information to a broad spectrum of individuals, including co-workers, executives and potential clients in a variety of formats, such as conference papers, training materials and funding proposals. Even if you do not present conference papers or other formal presentations, you must present your ideas and opinions daily, in a clear and concise manner.  Without a strategy and appropriate preparation, a presentation will be unfocused, not apply, or fail completely.  Book 1 of this four-book series outlines a framework to help you prepare for your next presentation. Member: FREE Non-Member: $9.99
  • As a consultant is preparing a proposal or negotiating a contract, one of the primary concerns is deciding how much to charge. To establish a fixed price or a fee that is both competitive and fair, the consultant needs to know what other consultants working in similar fields charge. In response to this need, the Alliance of IEEE Consultants Networks (AICN) conducts national fee surveys of its members. This report on the IEEE-USA 2009 Consultants Fee Survey provides the profile of typical self-employed and independent technical consultants, including their education, experience, business practices, median earnings and hourly fee. Member: $6.38 Non-Member: $7.99
  • This e-book is a guide for engineering students who are about to begin their career, or the engineer who is just launching his or her career. A number of practical ideas and thoughts are suggested that can help you make lifelong learning a priority in pursuing an exciting and rewarding career. Member: FREE Non-Member: $5.99
  • Becoming an effective leader is important, because effective leadership can make the difference between a good organization and a great organization. A compilation of insights from numerous scholarly references and the author's personal leadership experiences, Launching Your Career: A Practitioner's Guide to Leadership provides a starting point for those interested in becoming more effective leaders by stimulating thought, motivating practice, and inspiring reflection. This succinct e-book covers the spectrum of leadership development, including leadership theories, principles of leadership, leadership traits, the distinction between managers and leaders, team composition and diversity of opinion, individual and group dynamics and running effective meetings. Member: FREE Non-Member: $7.99
  • The 2010 IEEE-USA Salary & Fringe Benefits Survey is the 23rd compensation study IEEE-USA has published. The aim of the project is to provide timely information on current and long-term trends related to the income, salary and benefits of IEEE members in the United States. This information is critical for accurate understanding of compensation practices in this profession, including how those practices impact individual engineers. Member: $25.00 Non-Member: $50.00
  • What it Takes to be an Innovator, the fourth and final e-book in the Innovation series focuses on the critical element in innovation, what an innovator brings to an organization, and what characteristics and attitudes they display. Member: FREE Non-Member: $9.99
  • Fostering an Innovation Culture, the third of four e-books written to provide the reader with an understanding of the fundamentals of converting ideas into innovations, provides the fundamentals for developing a culture that supports innovation. Member: FREE Non-Member: $9.99
  • The second e-book in the Doing Innovation: Creating Economic Value series focuses on the innovation process itself. It teaches the fundamentals related to the innovation process; presents various models with their limitations; describes the innovation design process; considers the issues in developing a process model; suggests a generic model and describes organizing for innovation. Member: FREE Non-Member: $9.99
  • The 2009 IEEE-USA Salary & Fringe Benefits Survey is the 22nd compensation study IEEE-USA has published to provide timely information on current and long-term trends related to the income, salary and benefits of IEEE members in the United States. This information is critical for accurate understanding of compensation practices in this profession, including how those practices impact individual engineers. Member: $25.00 Non-Member: $50.00
  • In The Best of Backscatter from Today's Engineer, Vol. 2, compiled from the Today's Engineer archives, distinguished author, editor and engineer Donald Christiansen tackles topics such as engineering vs. marketing, the MBA degree, Internet search technology, and others with wit, wisdom and a unique perspective. Member: FREE Non-Member: $5.99
  • The first e-book in IEEE-USA's new Innovation Series, Doing Innovation:  Creating Economic Value -- Perspectives on Innovation, is written by Gerard H. (Gus) Gaynor, Retired 3M Director of Engineering, and President of IEEE's Technology Management Council. Topics in Perspectives on Innovation include:  An Historical Background of Innovation; Ambiguities Associated with Innovation; Basic Concepts Associated with Innovation; Continuum from Idea to Innovation; Types of Innovation; and How Innovation Takes Place. Member: $7.99 Non-Member: $9.99
  • In Perspectives on the Management of Technology, IEEE Technology Management Council President'Gus Gaynor provides an overview of the discipline of Management of Technology (MOT), including general background, current status of MOT, steps needed to develop MOT as a recognized academic discipline and provide a positive impact on industry operations. Managing any professional is an oxymoron. Why? Because it's difficult, if not impossible, to manage knowledge workers (in the classical sense) who are hired to demonstrate their thinking, their creativity, and their dedication in developing new products, new services and new processes. The best any manager can do is manage the activities of technology professionals and the interaction with other professionals in meeting organizational objectives. Technology managers must differentiate between managing technology professionals and managing their activities. What does this technology manager and technology professional relationship have to do with managing technology? Managing technology goes far beyond managing engineering operations: it requires a change in the mindset of the technology professionals and their managers; both need to expand their roles in meeting organizational results. Member: FREE Non-Member: $5.99
  • Getting acquainted with the real world can be tough. However, if you anticipate the challenges ahead, your transition to working America will be much smoother. By learning and adjusting to the ways that the workplace is different than the classroom, you can get your career off to a fast and satisfying start. This e-book tells you what you need to know to succeed in the working world. Learn how to: Make a great first impression; Learn the company's culture; Understand that you are a new hire; Get to know people; and Master your job. Member: FREE Non-Member: $5.99
  • Engineering the Art of Negotiation - Part 2: How to Handle Your Colleagues, shows you how to get ahead in your organization and experience more career satisfaction by building a better relationship with your colleagues using the principles and practices of interest-based negotiation. It also shows you how to get your colleagues to do what you want them to do by having a deep understanding of your own interests; a willingness to listen to your colleagues, flexibility in seeking solutions that satisfy their your needs and the needs of your colleagues .You can apply the lessons in these books to make your professional -- and your personal -- life less stressful and more rewarding. Member: FREE Non-Member: $5.99
  • Launching Your Career: How to Find Your Perfect Job will help you define your personal, long-term career goals, and provide a practical roadmap to find your ideal job. This e-book provides tools and assessments to enable you to evaluate your personality and aspirations; find a great company to work for; choose the best position for you; and build your network.  Your career decisions will play a major role in determining your income, community status, your circle of friends, choice of a spouse -- and even your identity and sense of self-worth. This e-book will help you choose wisely and carefully, and get you started on the path to personal and professional fulfillment. Member: FREE Non-Member: $5.99
  • Plug-In-Hybrids: Accelerating Progress Part 3: New Technology Challenges and Opportunities & The Need For Federal Action Now is the last of a three-part series of transcripts from the IEEE-USA-sponsored symposium, Plug-in Hybrids: Accelerating Progress 2007, considers new technology challenges and opportunities; and the need for federal action now. Panelists for this session of the symposium were Ric Fulop, Cofounder, A123 Systems; Philippe Gow, Vice President of Research, Development & Engineering, International Battery; Ken Marko, Engineering Research and Development Center, ETAS (Bosch); Donald Sadoway, Professor of Materials Chemistry, MIT; Keith Cole, Director of Legislative and Regulatory Affairs, General Motors; Anne Korin, Director of Policy and Strategic Planning, The Institute for the Analysis of Global Security; Christopher King, Professional Energy & Environment Staff, U.S. House Science and Technology Committee. Member: FREE Non-Member: $5.99
  • Engineering the Art of Negotiation - Part 1: How to Handle Your Boss is the first in a series of e-books demonstrating a practical approach to satisfying people's interests, including your own, through interest-based negotiation. In Part 1, internationally renowned negotiations consultant and trainer John G. Shulman shows you how you can get ahead in your organization and experience more career satisfaction by building a better relationship with your superior using the principles and practices of interest-based negotiation. Member: FREE Non-Member: $5.99
  • The Best of Backscatter is a compilation of articles written by Donald Christiansen for the IEEE-USA Today's Engineer Online. These articles include: ABET's EC2000: How're We Doin' Reality and the Virtual Engineer; The Engineer: Professional or Business Practitioner?; About Working Together, or Not, Engineers as Inventors; Engineers Can't Write. Sez Who! Meetings Madness; Who's in Charge Here?; Inside Peer Review; Accidents Waiting to Happen; and Designing Junk and Old Dogs and New Dogs. Member: FREE Non-Member: $5.99
  • This report on the 2008 IEEE-USA Unemployed Members Survey provides a comprehensive portrait of IEEE's unemployed U.S. membership and offers insights into the causes -- and remedies -- for loss of employment among technical professionals. The first section reports the percentage distribution or means response for each of the questions in the survey. The second reports the results of selected cross tabulations that focus on age and various aspects of employment status. The third reports the results of a multivariate analysis that focuses on the impact of age on the duration of unemployment when other factors are held constant. The final section compares some of the current results to those in 1995, 1996, 1998, 2002, 2004 and 2006.
    Member: FREE Non-Member: $5.99
  • This e-book, written by George McClure, is a concise, step-by-step guide to compiling and organizing important personal information in advance of your or a family member's death, so that survivors can more easily handle necessary tasks following the loss of a loved one. [10 pages; 2.74 MB PDF download; Published May 2008.] Member: FREE Non-Member: $5.99
  • In this first volume of his World Bytes columns, compiled from the early editions of the Today's Engineer magazine archives, author Terrance Malkinson compels readers to reflect not only on their engineering careers, but on the world around them. He challenges his colleagues to look at the big picture, and think about what one's life means in terms of being both an engineer and a person. Member: FREE Non-Member: $5.99
  • This report on the IEEE-USA 2006 Consultants Fee Survey provides the profile of typical self-employed and independent technical consultants, including their education, experience, business practices, median earnings and hourly fee. Copyright 2007. Member: $4.79 Non-Member: $5.99
  • Innovation means much more than just coming up with creative ideas; those ideas have to be put to work to create a benefit. Innovation can be seen as a journey that starts with setting a purpose or goal, and ends up with innovative achievement and new learning. All along the way, innovative thinking is required. So is knowledge. So are values. Renowned innovation authority William C. Miller provides a way to understand the process of innovation itself, and how people of any technical job can apply it to the challenges and opportunities they find in their day-to-day work. Member: FREE Non-Member: $7.99
  • The Best of Today's Engineer: On Innovation is a compilation of the IEEE-USA magazine's best articles on ' what it means, what it is, how to do it, what to think about it, how to achieve it, and how it might be affecting some aspects of engineering.' Member: FREE Non-Member: $5.99
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