IEEE-USA Congressional Visits Day

10-11 April 2024



IEEE-USA Congressional Visits Day

10-11 April 2024

IEEE Members
Congressional Districts

2024 IEEE-USA CVD is in the (Record) Books!

On 10 and 11 April 2024, IEEE-USA Congressional Visits Day (CVD) saw a total of 160 IEEE members — from across 32 states and 98 congressional districts — travel to Washington, D.C. Participants attended a total of 162 meetings with Senators and Representatives, a record high in CVD history, which has been held each year since 1998. Everyone is a VIP at CVD, but it’s worth noting that attendees included IEEE President Tom Coughlin, IEEE-USA President Keith Moore, IEEE President-Elect Kathleen Kramer, and IEEE-USA President-Elect Tim Lee, Region 6 Director Kathy Herring Hayashi, Region 5 Director Matt Francis, and many others. Sincere thanks to each and every participant for making this our biggest and most successful CVD yet!

About CVD 2024

Where/When: 10-11 April 2024 | Washington, D.C.

IEEE-USA Congressional Visits Day (CVD) is an annual event that brings engineers, scientists, mathematicians, researchers, educators, and technology executives to Washington to raise visibility of and support for engineering and technology. This premier event is open to all IEEE members in the United States.

CVD’s Objectives

CVD is an opportunity to introduce yourself, your colleagues, your company, and your profession to our elected officials. It also a great opportunity to discuss legislation and issues that are uniquely important to IEEE members.

Staff Contacts

Erik Heilman
Director, IEEE-USA Government Relations
+1 202-530-8325