IEEE-USA Congressional Visits Day

8-9 April 2025



IEEE-USA Congressional Visits Day

8-9 April 2025

CVD Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)


Participants will begin on the afternoon of Day 1 with a detailed in-person training session and policy briefing, given by IEEE-USA’s legislative professionals. You will then spend Day 2 on Capitol Hill meeting with your Legislators and/or their staff to discuss technology policy in the new Congress.

For this year’s CVD, we are again working with Soapbox, an outside consulting firm organizing everyone’s Congressional meetings. You will receive an email from them prior to CVD 2025 confirming your individual Congressional meetings schedule.

Please email to cancel your registration. If you need to cancel, please do so as soon as possible. Since we coordinate with congressional offices, advance notice helps us maintain professionalism and strong relationships.

CVD participants are responsible for their own travel and lodging arrangements for the two-day event. We have reserved room blocks at two local hotels (see below). Our hotel block is for the nights of April 8th and 9th.

Washington is a small city and is easy to navigate. Any hotel in downtown will work, as will any hotel on the DC metro. Uber & Lyft are readily available throughout the area. Hotel prices are usually lower if you stay outside of the District in Maryland or Virginia. Crystal City and adjacent Pentagon City in Arlington, Virginia usually have availability at a relatively good price and are not far from Capitol Hill.

Room Blocks

Crystal Gateway Marriott
1700 Richmond Hwy
Arlington, VA 22202
Rate: $289 per night
Book Group Rate
Washington Marriott Capitol Hill
175 L St NE
Washington, DC 20002
Rate: $309 per night
Book Group Rate

A training and policy briefing will begin around noon on the 8th. Even if you’ve participated in CVD before, we highly encourage you to attend, as we’ll be covering key details and intricacies for navigating meetings with the new Congress in 2025.

You may arrive the morning of the 8th before the training or the night before. A limited number of hotel block rooms will be available for the 7th on a first-come, first-served basis.

We recommend departing the morning of the 10th, as meeting schedules on the 9th may run late.

Unless you have other travel plans, we do not recommend driving. There is no parking at the US Capitol Building or the nearby office buildings you will be meeting in. Cabs, Uber/Lyft, or DC metro are recommended for transportation. The closest metro stops are Union Station (Red Line) or Capitol South (Orange/Blue/Silver Line). DC is also a very walkable city. But always plan ahead — DC is notorious for its awful traffic. (You never know when the Presidential motorcade will stop traffic to come zooming by!)

Capitol Hill remains a formal work environment. Business attire is expected for the Congressional meetings.

However, formal shoes are not necessary. You are going to be doing a lot of walking on hard floors. Uncomfortable shoes are a bad idea, no matter how good they look. Comfortable shoes, even nice sneakers, are OK and recommended. Alternatively, you can have fancy shoes for your meetings, and then change out of them into comfortable shoes for the walk between meetings.

For the IEEE-USA training session the day before, business casual is recommended.

For security reasons you cannot leave unattended luggage on Capitol Hill. This means you either have to:

  1. Keep your luggage with you all day as you go from meeting to meeting, which is acceptable (though it will go through security screening when entering each building).
  2. Check your luggage with your hotel (recommended), or
  3. You can check your luggage at the AMTRAK station at Union Station near Capitol Hill

IEEE-USA will group you with members from your area and you will meet with the US Representatives and Senators from your state. Sometimes you will meet with their staffs if they are unavailable. If you have not done a meeting before you will be paired with an experienced IEEE member from your area or an IEEE-USA staff member.

Each CVD participant’s schedule will be emailed to them one week prior to the CVD meetings. (It’s not uncommon for Congressional meetings to be confirmed or changed at the last minute.) Schedules will also be handed out at the in-person Training Session.

All of our meetings will likely be in the Senate and House office buildings on either side of the Capitol Building, not in the Capitol Building itself. Accessing these buildings is similar to going through security at the airport. There will be an X-ray machine and metal detector manned by US Capitol police. Security is tight, but usually efficient. You do not need to show an ID.

If you find yourself in a long line trying to access a building, just walk around the building until you find a different door. Or enter an adjacent building and use the underground tunnels to get to your meeting. Once inside, signage and maps are readily available.

Security to enter the Capitol Building is much tighter. If you happen to have a meeting in the Capitol Building itself, which would be unusual, separate information will be provided for you.

IEEE-USA has teamed up with an outside consultant, Soapbox, who will provide you with a detailed schedule and map.

Yes! Photos are allowed and encouraged. Videos are encouraged as well, but no recording is permitted during actual meetings. For future CVD promotions and to document the event we would love for you to take pictures with the representatives you meet with (with their permission).

IEEE-USA will determine the specific topics you will raise in your meetings. Everyone will have the same ones and they will align with the priorities and positions as determined by the IEEE-USA Policy Committees and the Board of Directors.

All IEEE members who live in the US are welcome and encouraged to attend CVD. Student members make great advocates, in part because they are roughly the same age as many staffers on Capitol Hill.

All IEEE members who live in the US are welcome and encouraged to attend CVD. Non-citizens are welcome, although we do recommend that you inform the staffers you are meeting with about your status at the beginning of your meetings. Hill staff will be interested in what you have to say either way, but we want to be transparent.

EVERYONE SPEAKS! Politics is a participatory sport. Everyone should participate in each meeting. You came to Washington to be heard — now is your chance to speak up!

During the Wednesday, Apr 10th afternoon training session, we’ll go into more detail about the structure of a Congressional meeting and what to expect. Generally, they will not go longer than 30 min, and could be as short as 15 min depending on the schedules of the representatives and staffers. We will help you hone your pitch and make sure you make all the relevant “asks.”

Generally, you will be on your own for meals and IEEE-USA staff can make recommendations. While you are on Capitol Hill, we recommend that you eat in one of the Congressional cafeterias, which are open to the public. Cafeterias are located in the lower floors of the Longworth, Rayburn, Russell, and Dirksen office buildings.  (There is also a cafeteria in the Capitol Visitors Center, but we don’t recommend it.)

If you have enough time, the Native American Museum is relatively close to Capitol Hill.  It has the best food of all the Smithsonian Museums.

Spring in DC is typically very pleasant. Temperatures should be mild, although we do get rain frequently. You should be fine with a light coat and, maybe, an umbrella.

Absolutely – please use our handle @IEEEUSA to tag us in your post(s), and use hashtags #ieeeusa and #ieeeusacvd.

IEEE-USA Government Relations Staffer Annnie Perrin Grisham

Staff Contacts

Annie Perrin Grisham
IEEE-USA Government Relations
+1 703-298-1354